Chapter 2

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Four hours later, Matt sat at his desk and read the notes he took during the last law lecture. He had read it a dozen times, but still had no idea what was written on the pages. He was too distracted to concentrate.

An unopened pizza box stood next to a cup of cold tea.

Bekka. Her name was Bekka. He didn't have more information. He didn't even know her last name.

In spirit, he saw her standing in front of a shabby snack bar, ordering a pack of fried noodles. He would have liked to share his pizza with her, but Matt knew that it wasn't possible.

Annoyed, he closed his folder and pushed it away from him. There was no point in learning, he just couldn't concentrate today.

Matt got up and went to the kitchen to have another cup of tea and warm up the cold pizza in the microwave.

The water in the kettle was boiling and the microwave beeped three times loudly after two minutes, when the pizza was ready.

Matt walked into the living room, the cup of tea in one, the warm pizza box in the other hand, and settled down on the couch.

More about the pastime than out of interest, he watched a few minutes of an old horror movie, until he had drunk the tea and ate the pizza.

Since noon today, he has been unable to focus on his thoughts, nor concentrate or raise anything.


She was shaking his head all day.

When he had been to the pizzeria earlier to start his shift, he hadn't really been able to focus on tomato sauce, basil and cheese for a second.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sound of his mobile phone.

A message!

From Bekka?

Oh no, she didn't even have his number.

Matt opened the message - and was terrified.

Hi was written on the screen.

The message didn't shock Matt, it was the sender, who shrugged him off and chased a cold shiver down his back.

The sleeping monster was awakened.

Probably by far the most narcissistic, selfish and possessive person who had ever walked on this earth had contacted him: Lynn.

His ex-girlfriend. Separated for three weeks. In Matts opinion, the three happiest weeks in a long time. Since the beginning of the relationship, to be precise.

Matt reached for the cup with trembling hands, wanted to start drinking, but the cup was empty.

He knew that a 'Hi' by Lynn was just the small beginning of a huge problem.

After he had broken up with her, she had constantly stalked him for the following four days, had called him, had stood at his door for ages, and terrorized him with constant ringing at his doorbell.

Then she was silent.

From one day to the next, stalking had stopped. And now, after two and a half weeks, this text message.

Matt stared at his phone. Did he really think Lynn would rest?

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