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❝Sometimes an angel is found in the dark.❞


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THE PUREST OF LOVE SENT FROM ABOVE. There was something very special about Alice Angelica. She kept it a secret, but you ought to know, that she was on duty every second of every day.

GENTLE EYES SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A LIGHT. When she was five years old, she had tried to cut her wings off ━ they were quite annoying, and got in her way constantly ━ but they were as strong as iron.

A FAITHFUL HEART THAT IS SO RARE. When she was ten years old, the master of her kind understood that she could not be tamed. Maybe it was because she had tried to escape the Academy of the Holy and travel to the human world on multiple occasions  ━ maybe it was because she had managed to do it successfully three times.

LITTLE ANGEL, SO STRONG AND TRUE. What the humans did not know, was that each and every one of them had been assigned an angel upon their birth. However, due to a mistake, a human named Regulus Black had been assigned to a demon.

SHE LIVES HER LIFE JUST FOR YOU. Angel Alice Angelica was furious when she found out, to say at least. When she was eighteen years old, she convinced the master of her kind to banish the demon back to the underworld. It went fine, but then she got to thinking ━ if no one watched over the boy, who would guide him through tears and pain, blood and harm?


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