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jacks eyes fluttered open. the first thing he felt were finns hands wrapped around him, his legs tangled up with his. he stared at the clock on the nightstand that read 1pm. he was kind of surprised that no one else was awake. as he strained his head to look at finn, he flinched at seeing the wounds on his pretty face. he didn't wanna believe that the events that happened the night before happened. he let his finger go over the bandages on his face and the bruises on his cheeks and neck. he let his thumb go over finns chapped lips, and planted a kiss on them, confused when finn kissed back.

"are you awake?" jack whispered. finn just smiled and nodded with his eyes still closed, pulling jacks hand back to his face when he pulled away.

"how did you sleep?" finn mumbled, his eyes opening slightly.

"don't worry about me, i wanna know how you're feeling." jack said, putting his hand on the back of finns neck.

"uhm...horrible." finn simply said.

"hey what's wrong?" jack asked

"i don't know. i have a headache. i'm probably gonna throw up any minute." jack frowns at his words,

"hey i'll try to find something for you." jack said, trying to get up. finn just pulled him closer, shaking his head slowly.

"no. stay here with me."

"i wanna make you feel better." jack frowned.

"you in my arms makes me feel like i'm on top of the world."

     jacks face flustered with red,

     "you're so cheesy. i promise i'll be back."

     finn thinks for a moment, but let's go of jack.

     "hurry back, baby." finn says quietly. jack sucks in a breath, his stomach exploding with butterflies.

     he shuffled to the bathroom, opening the mirror cabinet and looking at the pills available. he grabbed some aspirin, and then moved onto the kitchen, getting a glass of water.

     "finn?" jack asked as he walked back into the guest room. he heard a small groan from under the blankets.

     he handed finn an aspirin, watching him wash it down with the water.

     "come lay with me." finn said, patting the bed.

     jack obeyed, lying down and melting when finn held him close, kissing the top of his head.

     "we should go out later,if you're feeling better."

     "of course." finn smiled.

     a few minutes passed by, and jack heard the door open.

     "wake up, whores." wyatt yelled. he sounded awfully cheerful.

     finn sighed, sitting up and holding his head.

     "how are you not hungover?" jack asked.

     "i drank lots of water while i was wasted. clearly, finn did not." wyatt said cheekily, pulling the covers off of them.

finn rolled his eyes, putting his arm around jack when wyatt left.

"let's get up, bub." jack says, finn flusters at the pet name.

they both stand up, finn looks stiff from the pain in his head, immediately sitting back down. jack frowns,

"come here." jack says, he helps finn up, wrapping and arm around him to help him walk a bit better.

finn plops down on the couch, gulping down the water jack gave him earlier. he felt jacks eyes piercing into the side of his head, so he looked at him, making eye contact and finding it adorable how his eyes immediately looked down towards his feet, a slight blush spreading across his skin.

"finn can we chat?" millie says, looking anxiously as her eyes darted all around the room.

"of course." finn says, concern filling his eyes as he noticed his friends expression. millie grabbed finns arm, dragging him into the bathroom.

"finn i.." she stopped herself, closing her eyes in distress.

"what..what is it?" finn said quietly, his heart aching at millie's stress.

"i kissed sadie!" she blurts out, both finn and millies eyes wide.

"sadie? who's.." 

"it's this..popular kid at our school. i just..i don't know what happened."

"okay..explain everything."

"she was just..there. i was in the music room, cleaning up after the performance. and she just..wandered in like she owned the place. we have..talked before but i don't know..things were different this time. she came to me and started talking but i just wasn't listening. and she said.."are you there?" and smiled. and i got cut out of my thoughts and she just walked towards me until i was against the wall..then she said "are you afraid? what are you afraid of?" and i couldn't say anything, it was like..she taped my mouth closed. and she just leaned in..and we kissed."

"are you okay? oh my god." finn asks in a frantic tone, immediately hugging millie. 

"i just.. i feel like i want her..but i want noah, too." millie says in between sobs. finn tightens his hold around millie, letting her tears make a damp spot on his shirt. eventually, she calmed down, finn and her having a small laugh at how bloodshot her eyes were.

"thank you, finn. you're the bestest friend i could ever ask for." millie says, a small smile on her face. finn grins, giving her another hug before they both walked out, looking at everyone. everyones eyes were placed on them and there was a moment of silence before wyatt spoke,

"so um..what took so long?" 

"we talked about what happened last night." millie says, a swift lie.

"ahh..okay." noah says, avoiding eye contact. 

the awkward tension got unbearable,

"jack, lets go." finn says, looking at the text his dad sent.


"dad wants us home right now."

"oh okay." he said, his face dropping just a bit. jack wanted to stay a while and chat with everyone, but he knew everyone wasn't feeling it so he decided to just go with finn.

as they walked down the road, shivers went down jack's spine. it was unusually cold, and he felt goosebumps as the wind hit his skin. finn noticed jack shivering, so he pulled him close to him, hoping his body heat would warm jack up some how. 

and it did. sort of. but it was enough for jack to stop shivering. 

jack looked up at finn and his busted face, noticing finn's lip swelled a bit more. 

"hey um.. how are you feeling?" jack asked timidly. 

"in pain a bit, but i think ill be alright." finn said, jack could hear how unsure he was. he just squeezed finn's hand, walking in sync with him.

hi guys

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