Chapter 11 Oppa...its too late!

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Y/N's POV:
"You should stop behaving like this, Y/N.", Eomma shouted.

"But Eomma....", my words got cut off by her.

"Listen Y/N, I know you are hurt but please Y/N, be rational. It has been 5 years. He is your brother and he has specially invited you. So you are coming with us. Do you get that?", she ordered.

I sighed in distress. I was literally holding myself to burst into tears.

Oppa has invited us to attend his concert and this time he specially requested to our parents to bring me with them but I like everytime refused to go.

So all these conflicts with eomma started because of my rejection of going to the concert.

I seriously don't wanted to go to the concert for two reasons; First, I don't like gives me kinda suffocating feeling and Second, I don't wanna meet Oppa.

For the last 5 years I haven't spoken to him so now meeting him like this its kinda awkward. But eomma was not in a mood to listen my plead so its better not to say anything.
I looked at Appa helplessly. He said, "Princess, go to your room. I'll talk to you later."

Eomma bursted, " are not going anywhere. I have a word with you."

"Honey, please! Stop it.", Appa pleaded to eomma.

She looked at me and then her gaze shifted to Appa.
She wanted to speak something but Appa signalled her to be quite.

I ran to my room. I closed the door and sat near the window.

Memories of Oppa started to flash infront of my eyes

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Memories of Oppa started to flash infront of my eyes. The time which we spent together started to play in my mind.
I didn't realised when a single tear left my eye.
I rested my head on the wall and talked to myself, "Oppa, I'm not angry with you. I'm only hurt because of your ignorance. You also know the reason behind my anger but still you didn't try to convince me even once in these 5years. Now when I don't want you in my life, you come again and again to claim the right to be a brother. Why??? What do you want?? Just go away...oppa...stop bothering me."

Suddenly my phone rang and I came back to reality. Jackson's name was flashing on my screen.
I wiped my tears and received his call.


" are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Jackson."

"Jagiya, is there something bothering you? You sounds dull.", he asked in concerned.

"No...nothing! I'm fine....don't worry. Just little stressed out due to my assignments.", I lied.

"Don't stress yourself too much, Jagi."

"Hmm...I have to finish my assignment.", I said bluntly.

"OK! Jagi, you complete your assignment...I'll call you later.", he cut the call immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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