An Old 'friend'

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A few months later
Aaron's pov
I'm sat in the pub with Adam and Vic.
Across the pub I see him walk in.
"Aaron is that "
"Yeah it is "
"Who  we talking about" Vic asks
"It's my dad "I say
Mum walks out out from the back and looks at him
She drops the glass she's holding
"Oh my god my are you okay "I say rushing over to her
"Um yeah let me sort it "Mum says
"Sit down mum I'll sort it "I say
"I'll go get a brush "Vic says
I turn around
"Hello Chas"He says
"Gordon what are you doing here "
"Hello son "He says
"Hello dad if I can even call you that "I say bitterly
"Get out "I say
"Aaron"Mum says
"No I want him gone mum"
"That's no way to speak to your dad "He says
"You ruined my life " I yell
"No Aaron you did that "He says
"Your sick "I say before storming into the back
"Aaron"Mum says
I slam the door and sit on the sofa
"Aaron why did you speak to him like that "
"Mum he ruined my life"
"I know you and your dad have a lot of bad blood but I thought we could try and make this work "
"You brought him here. What so we could play happy families. No I'm not doing it mum. "
"Aaron please "
"Not after what he's done "
"Aaron please "
"If he's not gone by tonight I'm not staying "
I walk out
"Aaron "She yells
At the Scrapyard
I walk into the cabin
I see Robert sat at his desk
"What are you doing here "
"I don't know I kind of work here "
"Well have the day off I'm not exactly in the mood"
"Fair enough. I know I'm the last person you want to see "Robert says
Robert opens the door
"Aaron do you know this bloke "Robert says
My dads steps in
"Get him out now "
"You heard "
"And who are you" He says to Robert
"What's it to you.  get out "
"Son please listen to me "
"He's your dad "Robert says
"You could say that "
"I've already asked you twice and I'm not asking again "Robert says grabbing him
"Get off me. Who are you his new boyfriend "
I get up as Robert throws him out
"Don't come back here again "
"Pushed a button did I "He says
"I'm warning you "Robert says
"Leave it Robert "I say
"So your Robert. The man you had an affair with"
"It wasn't like that "Robert says 
"Was your wife that bad in bed "
"Don't come back. You might have mum fooled but you don't have me . Stop ruining every bodies lives for once "I yell
Robert slams the door shut
"How does he know "Robert says
"She didn't "Robert says
"I'm going to kill someone "I say storming off

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