There gone

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Robert pov
I walk into the he pub
"Oh my god Robert are you alright "Diane says
Yeah I'm fine so's Seb . I've got some bad news though "
"I think everyone needs to know "
Diane walks over to chas and chas nods
Chas rings the bell
"Can I have Everones attention please .This afternoon the whites were envolved in a a crash. Chrissie and Lawerence passed away in the crash. Rebecca is in a coma and Lachlan is okay. I just thought I'd let everyone know. Thanks "
Chas walks over to me
"Do you want a drink "She asks
"No I think I'll just go home "
Aaron walks over
"Are you alright "he say
"Not really but I guess I have to be "
"I'll take you home "Aaron says
"Don't worry,  Aaron I'll be fine "
"It wasn't an offer Robert .come on let's go "
I follow him out to Vics
"I thought you'd want to be at home with Alex "
"Yeah well Liv and Alex about want to kill each other so I'd rather not deal with it now. She's done the whole it's Alex's fault my life's a mess. "
"Teenagers eh "
"Yeah wait until he's one then your in for it "
"Oh the joys "I say unlocking the door
We walk in
I take Seb upstairs and Aaron gets us some drinks
I walk downstairs
"He was out like a light. He'll be okay"I say
"Did the doctors say much "
"No they can't tell me anything because I'm not family "
"It's now the long and horrible waiting game "
"Yeah well I can't wait. Seb is my son too and she almost did a runner with him "
"Robert if she wakes up and you fight with her it'd going to make it worse "
"But none of us know if she's going to pack up and leave again "
"I know but if she wakes up you take it slowly. If she tries just put a stop to it "
"He's my son to I won't have it "
"I know you won't but for now you just need to focus on him and be everything he needs "
Vic and Diane walk in
"Hey we didn't see you two go "
"Yeah well Aaron helped me home "
"I'll go leave you all to it" Aaron says
"Why don't you stay for a bit of tea "Diane says
"Yeah go on then"Aaron says
"I'll get you some more drinks "Vic says
Outside of the mill
Aaron's pov
"Thanks for today "Robert says
"Don't worry now you should go get some rest "
"Why do you still care what happens to me Aaron "
"Because I still care about you Robert even though we're not what we were . We're still aloud to care about each other "
"Thank you Aaron "Robert says hugging me
We hear the door open and we let go of each other
"Where the hell have you been "I hear Alex says
I turn around
"I'll explain later "
"Liv has been back talking me all night and you just left me to deal with her "
"Alex I'll sort it just go back in "
He shuts the door
"You going to be okay "Robert says
"Yeah"I say
"I'll see you later "Robert says
"If you need out call me "I say opening the door
"Yeah will do "Robert says
I walk inside
Liv comes down the stairs
"Hey"she says
"What's happening then "
"Well I've had her nothing but mouthing of since you left at half twelve to help you mum but then you end up with Robert "
"You've been with Robert "
"Yeah well all the Whites were in a crash. Seb,Lachlan and Rebecca are alive but Rebecca is in a critical condition. Chrissie and Lawerence are dead "
"Oh my god "Liv says
"Yeah well Robert was a bit shaken having to collect his son for Hotten Hosptial not knowing what had happened. I was in the pub when he had a told what had happened and helped him it's not a crime "
"Yeah well not telling any off us is a bit worrying "
"Liv you go to bed we'll sort this in the morning "I say
"Yeah"She says before going upstairs
"I thought you were over him"
"I am"
"Clearly not "
"Alex I'm not doing this again . Me and Robert were finished months ago. If you have a problem go "
"Fine "He says before taking his coat and bag and leaving

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