Chapter 18

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Bella's pov

When I got to Bonnie's house I parked my car and I got out and I went over to the front door and I knocked on it and a couple of minutes later the door opened and there stood Bonnie and once she saw me she screamed and jumped at me and hugged me and she said oh my god your back I'm so glad I'm so happy your back I've missed you so much and I said I know I have missed you to and then Bonnie said oh come in and so I walked into her house and I shut the door.

I said I'm afraid I'm not here on good terms and Bonnie said oh no what happened and I said well my pack family killed 2 of my kids and I need you to bring back them plus another one and Bonnie said oh my Bella how many kids do you have and I said well I've got 7 that I give birth to and then there is 3 that I adopted and then Bonnie said oh my you have had a good life haven't you and I said yeah I have and I need you to bring back Jane, Alec and Bree your my only hope Bon please.

Bonnie said oh my Bella I'm sorry I wish I could but I'm really weak to even try and I said yeah I know but is there any spell that you could do that would make me a witch so that I could do it and Bonnie thought about it for a second and she said wait a minute yes there is but the only problem is that it will take away your vampire side and make you half wolf, half witch and I said ok fine so what I never wanted to be a vampire anyway.

Bonnie said ok Bella hold onto your horses here we go and she put her 2 arms on me and started saying a spell that went like spirits from the other side transfer your power into her let her be she she desires and then just like that Bonnie let go of me and a big bright light beamed into me and it shot me off of my feet and onto the floor and once I saw on the floor I knew it was done I could fell the change so I stood up and I said is that it Bonnie am I a witch now.

Bonnie then said yes so here's how the power works you can cast spells as long as it is to help or protect someone and you can levitate anything you want and more and since your a wolf too your witch power gives you the control to use you thoughts and your speed and strength and any other wolf abilities in your human/witch form and I said oh my god I am going to love this and then Bonnie said ok Bella I'm going to give you on of my spell I have 2 so I don't need this one you can keep it to help you but keep it safe.

So I said ok thank you so much Bonnie and I hugged her and then let go and then she said ok Bella the spell you want is on page 5 and so I opened the spell book and I looked at the spell and I said ok what do I do and Bonnie said just say the spell and it will happen and I said ok thank you so much for this Bon and I will always remember this and Bonnie said your welcome keep them kids safe.

Then I said to her yeah I will thank you and I walked over to the door and I opened it and went out it and then I shut it again and went over to my car and opened the door and then I got into it and I put the spell book onto the seat and I then started the car and drove back to Stefan and Damon's house because I knew what I had to do I had to make piece with my family and pack I can't be fighting with them when any day Klaus could come for me and my kids especially when I'm bringing back the one child he killed to get to me.

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