Chapter 14

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Bella's pov

When I got up the next day I could smell that Paul was home so I got off of the bed carefully and made my way out of the bedroom and downstairs and once I got downstairs I followed Paul's smell until I got into the kitchen and as soon as I got their I saw Oliver and Austin both sitting at the table eating their breakfast while there was no sign of Lottie and Chrissy so I walked further in the kitchen and I walked up to Paul and I put my hand on his chest and I said being sexy like good morning my sweet and so he looked around at me and he looked so happy that I was there but annoyed that I was out of bed I could tell because once I kissed him Paul said oh Bella why are you out of bed it's too dangerous and I said yeah I know but I think I can handle it I mean I mean part wolf and vampire remember.

Paul then said oh yeah I remember alright I'm going to kill Klaus for doing that to you and I said yeah well get in line and once I said that I heard panic from the wolves so I looked at Paul and I said go check I'll stay with the boys where are the girls and Paul said yeah I'll go and you stay oh and the girls are out on a double date as he walked out the door and as he walked out Oliver ran over to me and cuddled to my side as did Austin just not as tight and then Oliver said mommy what's going on and I said I don't know baby I don't know but hopefully it's nothing at least until I have this baby and Austin said mommy are Lottie and Chrissy going to be in trouble when they get home and I said as I looked at him and pulled his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead no Austin they aren't in trouble at least not serious trouble.

Austin smiled at me and he said good mommy and then I saw Sam and Embry and Jacob run into the house looking upset so I said what what's going on and Jacob said Bella we need to get you out if here and I said what no no way what's going on and Sam said its klaus he's here only this time with your kids Jane and Alec and I gasped and started to cry and I let go of Oliver and Austin and I back away from them both getting angry just as Lottie and Chrissy walked in and they looked scared and they ran over to me and hugged me and Chrissy said no mommy please don't leave us we need you and so does you new born baby and I said as I calmed down and hugged them both I know I'm just so glad you both are home and Lottie said mommy we are sorry we left without asking you.

I then said as I laughed we will sort that that right now I need both you girls to take your brothers upstairs into one of your rooms and lock the door can you do that please and then both Chrissy and Lottie said yes mommy as they both grabbed Oliver and Austin who where both crying there eyes out and both Lottie and Chrissy took Oliver and Austin upstairs and once they were upstairs I felt water falling down my legs and I fell to the floor in pain and then Sam and Embry dropped to the floor too and Sam said what what's wrong and I said baby coming now and Sam said oh ok um Jacob do you know how to do this and Jacob said as he got down beside me to no why would I know.

I then said as I was gasping to breathe Paul get Paul he knows and then Embry stood up and ran out of the house and the a few minutes later both Embry and Paul ran into the house and Paul ran straight over to me and sat down at my legs and opened them up and looked up into my bottom and then Embry got down beside me and then after that both Sam and Embry grabbed both of my hands as Jacob said ok well I'm going to go head out to check on everything out here and he ran out of the room as my screaming got worse and as it did Paul said ok Bella time to push and I said ok and I started pushing and I kept pushing for like a half an hour while I was holding on very tight to Sam and Embry's hand and then finally I heard a cry and then Paul said as he lifted the baby out of my bottom and rapped it up in a blanket ok Bella its a boy.

I said as I looked at him oh my another one I'm so happy Paul we have a son and Paul said as he handed my new son over to Embry yeah and more and I said what what do you mean and Paul said as I began to understand what he meant when I screamed again from the same pain and Sam said paul whats wrong with her and Paul said as he got back down to my bottom well my dear brother in-law Bella is'nt just giving birth to just one baby but more and then paul looked at me and said ok Bella sweetie push again and so I grabbed both of Sam's hands since Embry had my son and I pushed and pushed until finally I heard another cry and once I did Paul grabbed the baby from my bottom and wrapped it up as well and he said well Bella your body must love giving birth to boys because its another boy and then he handed it off to Sam.

Then I said as I looked at him my little boy but before I could say anything else I screamed again and this time it was a much bigger scream and Paul knew because he said ok Bella it's time again and I said ugh more Paul I hate you right now you know that and Paul said yeah I know so push please and so I then again pushed and pushed until I heard another cry but it was a different type of cry it was more of a girly cry so right then I knew my last baby was a girl and also after I knew Paul said ok Bella it's a girl and I said oh thank god for that and I just laughedand so did Paul as he handed my daughter while I stood up and once I had her I just smiled at her and then I turned to the stairs and I shouted Oliver, Austin, Christine and Charlotte may you please come downstairs please and then a few minutes later I heard all 4 of them on the stairs and once they got to the living room they all smiled once they saw the babies.

Then Lottie looked at me and she said mommy you had them that's good and I said as I pointed to the babies as I looked at Paul and I saw him nod his head giving me the go ahead to call them what I wanted to name them yeah I did so kids meet your brothers Bailey and Kaden and your sister Addison and then Oliver, Austin, Christine and Charlotte all went around the babies saying hi to them all and then after a couple of minutes there was a scream from outside and I saw my children where scared even my new borns looked frightened so I looked at Christine and Charlotte and I said ok take your brothers and sister upstairs and stay in the room if you dont hear or see us I love you all and then all of my kids started crying and hugging me and Paul and then I said as I looked at them ok enough you need to hide now go.

So then Lottie said ok mommy and so I handed Addison to Charlotte and I looked at my brothers and I said Embry give Bailey to Chrissy and Sam give Kaden to Lottie she's the oldest she can carry 2 babies and so both my brothers handed the babies over and then I looked at my kids and I said I'm phoning someone who can help us they will be coming to this house so don't be afraid they are there to help you and they are family now go run hide now be safe and they all said ok mommy and ran upstairs and as they did I pulled out my phone and I dialled Stefan's number and it rang for about 4 rings until finally he picked upand he said yes hello.

I then said as I smiled down the phone happy to hear his voice hi Stef it's me I need you and Damon to come to forks now we are in trouble me and my family and the pack are about to fight a big fight and I want to make sure my kids are safe incase something happens and Stefan said ok Bella we will be there as soon as possible don't worry and I said thanks come on onto the reservation and drive to a big red and black house and come in my kids will be scared at first but just tell them I sent you they will understand why ok and Stefan said ok Bella see you soon and I said yeah i hope keep them safe and I hung up and then me, Paul, Sam and Embry all ran out of the house and we phased into our wolves and we kept running until we got to a meadow in the mountains.

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