Chapter 21

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Bella's pov

I woke up about 2pm and I heard a lot of fighting coming from downstairs so I got up and I got dressed and I went downstairs into the living only to see Stefan and Damon fighting with the pack and my kids all crying so I ran over to them all and I shouted sto your scaring the kids and then just like that the pack and my brothers stopped fighting so I said as I looked at my kids I'm so sorry they scared you are you all ok and Lottie said yeah mommy we are ok and I said good now can you all go up to your rooms and start packing please.

Then Addison said why mommy where we going and I said we are going home once I bring back you brother and sister now all of you go to your rooms and pack and they all said ok mommy or ok mom and ran upstairs and then I looked at the pack and I said would you like to tell me what that was about and Sam said Stefan aid we weren't welcome and to get out and then I looked at Stefan and I said you knew he was coming now wise up and then Jacob said ok Bella can we get this done we can't be away from the reservation long.

I then said as I looked at him ok and I went into the kitchen and I grabbed a bowl and a knife and went back into the living room and sat the bowl on the table and I said ok let's do it I need the that killed Jane and Alec and then both Paul and Sam stepped forward and Sam said ok Bella do it as they both held out their hands and I said ok and I took the knife and slit a little knife slice into Sam's hand and poured it into the bowl and then he stepped back and then I did the Sam to Paul and he stepped back and I said as I looked at the pack ok thank you all you can go now.

The pack said ok Bella see you soon and walked away but as the pack was walking away Paul step forward and said Bella I am so sorry and he went to kiss me but I pulled back and said no no way you have to prove to me you are sorry and until you do we are finished I don't care if you imprinted on me or not now all of you leave and then Paul's face grew sad and he walked back over to the door where the pack was and then Embry said Bella when you coming home mom and dad really miss you and I said I'll be home as soon as I get my kids back.

Then Jacob said Bella be careful don't over do it and I said yeah I know and then all the pack left as Caroline walked in and as she did she ran over to me and hugged me so tight that I said too tight Caroline and she just laughed and said as she let go I know I just missed you and I said I know I missed you too now have you got the blood and she said as she hand me a vile of blood of course I do did you ever doubt me and I said as I laughed and poured Klaus's blood into the bowl with Sam and Paul's no I never have and she said well good.

I then said I'm sorry to do this Caroline but I have to ask you to leave and Caroline said I understand I'll see you soon as she left and when she did Damon said your really doing this and I said yeah I am as I grabbed my spell book and I looked through it until I get to a spell called raise the dead and that's when I knew this was the one I needed so I stood beside the bowl and I put my hands above it and I say the spell while moving my hands around the bowl and the spell says something like the ones we think of make them rise the ones we love make them seen and then just like that and hige light came out of me and into the bowl and then next minute I see Jane, Alec and Bree and others who I couldn't see all standing there looking at me as I fell to the floor and black out and all I heard was mommy don't die the spell must have been too strong for me to handle the way I did. 

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