chapter 2

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A few days had passed and Cross still worked for Error. Error himself started to get attached to Cross and protective of him. One day Error had told Cross not do anything and just wait for him before he got back from an Au. Error had planned something special. Keep in mind Cross don't know about Error, how he is a destroyer or anything Cross is a bit naive and still young a tad. Cross sat on the floor of the Anit-Void waiting for Error. Ink who had been board wanted to see the glitch to bother him. But when he got there he only saw Cross.

Ink: "Cross!? What are you doing here!?"
Cross: "I am waiting for my Master."
Ink: "Your WHAT!?"
Cross: "Master. I am waiting for my Master Error to come home."

Error had come through a portal and saw Ink his first reaction was to get to Cross.

Error: "Ink. What are you doing here? Your not welcome here."
Ink: "What's matter glitchy? Didn't think I'd find out your use Cross as a slave!?"
Cross: "Oh no you have it all wrong! I insisted on working for Master Error. For he saved my life. I am forever in his service and do what ever he needs or wants."
Ink: "Error? Saving a life? Ha! Your funny Cross!"
Cross: "It's not a joke, he killed someone for me and set me free. I must repay him by serving him."

Ink just stared, Error didn't care Cross had told Ink. He just wanted to make sure Cross was safe.

Error: "Leave."
Ink: "Or What?~ you'll kill me? I'd like to see you try!"
Error: "I don't care for your stupid game, Leave"
Ink: "Come on Error, you know you want to!~"

Error growled at Ink, then looked at Cross only to see Cross looked back with sad and scared eyes, Error couldn't take that.

Error: "No... I won't kill you just for you're dumb entertainment. LEAVE."
Ink: "Why-"

Ink looked at Error who was looking at Cross who was looking at Error. Ink grinned wildly then started laughing.

Ink: "Oh My Gods!!! You like him!!!! Hahahaha!!! That's so dumb!!!! A destroyer of worlds thinking he's fallen in love with Cross!!!!!! That's hilarious!!!"
Ink: "HAHAHAHA!!!! You know it could never work I mean look at you, then look at him. Cross is normal and was planned into this world along with the others. But you? Ha! Your a glitch, a filthy mistake! You kill people just for fun! You never belonged here. Your just a mistake a destroyer of worlds nothing more you hurt,break and kill people... You don't deserve to live"
Cross: "W-What?... Error? What's he talking about? Destroyer of worlds?"
Ink: "You haven't told him!? That's priceless."
Error: "STOP IT! LEAVE!"
Cross: "E-Error!?"
Ink: "Leave? Fine, but I am talking Cross with me."
Error: "No. Your. NOT!!!!!"

As Ink was about to grab Cross Error wrapped his strings around Ink. Error glitched a bit as the strings on Ink got tighter as he struggled.

Ink: "W-WHAT!? This has never happened before!!! Agh! W-Why is is so damn tight!? Ugh!"
Error: "SHaLl KiLl YoU SLoWlY aS YoU ScrAEM!!!"
Cross: "E-ERROR!?..."
Error: "sHuT uP! I wANt TO EnJoY ThIs!!!!"
Cross: "Master Error! Stop please!!!"

Cross cried, Error looked at Ink who was in his strings, then at Cross who was screaming and begging him to stop. Just like when Error first met Cross. Error dropped Ink then walked up to Cross and pinched Cross's pressure point causing Cross to past out. Error stood up and walked to Ink and grabbed him by his shirt. Before Ink could react Error spoke...

Error: "If you ever come near me or Cross again I'll personally tie you in my strings so damn tight until you can't move and take that dumb brush of your's and pluck out the bristles one by one. Then I will cut you slowly until you are nothing but a puddle of blood and dust. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?"

Ink nodded fast out of fear and left. Error picked up Cross and took him to a different Au that Error had kept. It was small but he had enough room to live in one of the houses there. He took Cross to his room. As Error set Cross on the bed he blushed he kissed him on the cheek. As his eyes turned a bloodlust color and they turned to hearts.

Error: "Oh Cross. Promise you'll never leave me~"

Error chuckled lightly then left. Hours later Cross woke up and saw he was somewhere different. He was in a bed and he heard humming from somewhere else. He got up and walked to the door and realized he was in a house, he saw stairs and anything else a normal house has. He went down the stairs and walked in the living room there was a small tv and couch. He walked around until he saw Error standing in the kitchen with his elbows on the counter. He turned his head an looked to see Cross.

Error: "Oh your awake!"
Cross: "H-How long have I been out? How did I pass out?"
Error: "12 hours, Ink..."
Cross: "Huh... He must have hit me pretty hard then."
Error: "Yeah~"

Error had stopped listening to Cross and started daydreaming as he looked at Cross having a lovely dove fantasy. He blushed and smiled lightly. Cross noticed and he walked up to Error then put a hand on Error's face.

Cross: "Master? Are you alright"
Error: "H-HUH!?"

Error said out loud as he had gotten out of his fantasy. Cross just laughed it off.

Error: "Whatever... Anyway, I have stuff to do. Don't do anything dumb."
Cross: "Do you think I could come with you?"
Error: why is he so damn cute!? "Fine... Whatever... Frickin cute-ass..."
Cross: "Thank You Master~" *kisses Error's cheek*
Error: Cross... I swear this cutie is gonna be the death of me...

Cross walked off with Error to an Au. But as soon as they got there Cross had gotten hit by something causing his arm to bleed. He whimpered Error was not happy he went to Cross and put him up against a tree and check the cut it wasn't deep but deep enough to bring a bit of Cross's HP to go down. Error's eyes turned blood red he wanted to know who shot Cross. Not far in the distance there were 3 figures standing in the far part of wood.


You Will Stay Forever {Error X Cross}Where stories live. Discover now