| Monster |

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You froze, feeling fear and terror run through you as you heard what Alastor said. A sudden flash of a memory invaded your mind and you cringed. The intense pain made you grab at the sides of your head and let out a small whimper.

"W... What do you mean by that? What's happening?" You whimpered as you felt your heart start to race.

"Seems your remembering what happened to you. It's quite a painful experience, it's like your experiencing your death all over again." Alastor smirked.

You felt like you couldn't breathe and clamped your eyes shut as the pain throbbed in your head. More flashes of a memory came into your mind, but they were blurry. You see glimpses of red though... lots of red. Blood? What was it? You felt like your were panicking as you tried to stand up from your chair but stumbled. Alastor had gotten up from his chair to help you stand and chuckled.

"You shouldn't be moving around when this happens my dear. Just let it happen. I want to see your reaction." He told you with a snicker.

You felt him help you walk over to the couch and sat you down onto it. You looked at Alastor's face and his smile made your eyes widen in realization.

"That... smile. You were-"

You stopped mid sentence due to the memories flashing again in your mind. They were clearer now then before, and you could only watch in horror as you remembered what had happened to you before you died.


You had just finished interviewing the most recent family to be affected by the serial killer. Lucky for you, there was a cop there as well that was visiting the family at the same time. You had decided that an opportunity like this would not happen again, so you interviewed the cop as well. The information they had given you was going to shock the whole city and bring you one step closer to finding out who the serial killer was.

The daughter that had been targeted by the serial killer had miraculously survived. She was stabbed multiple times though and although she had survived the attack, she unfortunately died a few days afterwards in the hospital. She was able to give information to the police though before she had died of her injuries that set them on the right track to find the serial killer. The killer worked as a radio host.

There weren't many radio hosts in New Orleans and that narrowed your search down. You then thought about the radio host you had been questioning. He seemed to know quite a lot about the serial killer, and you began to wonder if maybe he was the killer. You shook your head and frowned as you couldn't believe it was him. He was far too charismatic and charming to be the killer. Maybe it was all an act though?

Questions continued to swirl in your mind as you thought about the radio host and ended up getting frustrated. How could he be the killer? Sure he knew a lot about the killer and how he worked, but you didn't want to believe it. You knew the reason why you didn't want to believe it was him though. You had become quite fond of the radio host and became attracted to him. You needed to see him again. You hoped your suspicions were not true.

You had arrived at the radio station he had worked at and stood outside the door to his studio. You could hear him talking excitedly on the radio and you frowned feeling your chest tighten up in anxiety. You knocked on the door and heard him quickly end his session and then open the door.

"(Y/N) my darling! What brings you here?" He asked as he smiled at you.

"Sorry to bother you sir, but I have more questions to ask about the serial killer. I just got some new information and to be honest, I'm troubled by it. I wanted to see if you could help me more if you don't mind." You asked feeling quite nervous.

"Of course my dear! However, what have I told you about calling me sir? I feel like we are past being acquaintances by now. Call me Alastor." Alastor said with a grin as he let you into his studio.

You took a seat across from him and looked around a little, seeing that he had whiskey on his desk. You took in a deep breath and let it out, steeling your nerves as you looked up at Alastor.

"I just interviewed the most recent family that got affected by the murders, and there just so happened to be a cop there as well. I got information that hasn't been released to the public yet and I feel like I'm one step closer to finding out who's committing the murders." You stated.

"Alright, well let's hear it. What exactly did you find out?" Alastor smirked as he poured himself some whiskey.

"The recent victim survived the killers attempt to murder her. The killer got careless and didn't make sure she was completely dead and she survived." You told him.

You noticed Alastor visibly tense at hearing about the victim surviving and smiled at her.

"Oh is that so? Is she still alive?" He prodded.

"Unfortunately no, she died a few days after the attack in the hospital. However, before she died, she was able to give information about the killer. They have it narrowed down to who it might be thanks to her. The serial killer is a radio host." You stated.

There was a few moments of silence between you and Alastor. You began to feel anxious again as you couldn't tell what Alastor was thinking or feeling since he seemed frozen in place with a smile. As he turned to look at you though, you felt your blood run cold at the expression he had on his face. His face was twisted into a malicious smile and his eyes were wide. It was a predatory look and he snickered. He began laughing maniacally and you could only watch as he tried to calm his insane laughter.

"(Y/N)! Oh (Y/N), bravo! I'm glad you didn't disappoint me like I thought you would!" He cackled as he clapped his hands in applause.

"A-Alastor, I don't understand. What do you mean?" You stammered feeling confused and scared of the way his demeanor had changed.

"Don't tell me you spent all this time interviewing everyone, including me to not understand what I mean. Oh darling..." He snickered as he leaned closer towards you and narrowed his eyes at you with his twisted grin. "I am the serial killer everyone has been so terrified of."

Your eyes widened as your heart began racing. You knew that you shouldn't have been surprised since you had suspected him, but there was a sliver of hope you had that it wasn't him. Fear washed over you as you heard Alastor snicker at your scared expression.

"What's wrong, are you afraid of me now? I thought you liked me though (Y/N). I could tell that from our conversations we had you were starting to fall for me." He smirked.

You growled at what he said and glared at him. You didn't want to seem weak or afraid of him, but deep down you were down right terrified. You were alone with Alastor in the radio station after all and no one knew where you were here. If anything happened to you, nobody would know.

"You're a monster." You growled.

Alastor smirked more at you and let out a small chuckle looking quite amused.

"And you're in love with a monster. So what does that say about you?"

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