jacklyn • wildfire

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It was an eerily quiet afternoon in Roadtrip’s Hogwarts house.

Currently, the boys’ notoriously chaotic home is filled with only two people occupying different parts of said residence.

While most of the boys drove out to watch the present blockbuster film in the cinemas, Jack was by the kitchen counters practicing and humming himself a song he was trying to study the chords of.

“You think you know all about it
Then it seems you are wrong
He hit it out of the park before
It’d even begun

I needed sunshine in the darkness
Burning out
Well now, I know that I’m the fuel
And he’s the spark

We are b—"

“Fuck,” Jack cursed as he messed up the chords again.

The Irish boy felt frustrated as he looked down at his guitar with furrowed eyebrows. He tried to strum again only ending up with the same result.

The Irish brunette clicked his tongue but he started playing again from the top.

He quietly hummed to the lyrics of the song as he began plucking the guitar melodies with his fingers.

“We are bound to each other’s hearts—"

Jack was so absorbed on his guitar playing that he did not notice another person setting foot in the kitchen.

“Beautiful song, Jonky.”

The Irish boy almost cursed again as he heard the familiar thick Essex accent—his shocked green eyes meeting with Brook’s bright ones.

As usual, the blonde boy has no top on and Jack shook his head as he cleared his throat, managing to reply, “Y-yeah, it is.”

Brooklyn grinned at the Irish lad as the the boy got something from the fridge. Glancing a bit, Jack saw the older was getting himself some fresh, cold orange juice.

Shaking his head again, Jack sighed as he strummed to the song but not without swearing again when he messed up another chord on its chorus.

Noticing his struggle, Brook glanced at the other as he asked, “Need help?”

“You know the chords?” Jack asked albeit astonished when the boy suggested to help.

He heard the blond giggle as he muttered, “Well, I might have been getting obsessed with Seafret lately.”

Then, Brooklyn approached the Irish boy, standing behind him as he wrapped his arms over the taller boy, positioning Jack’s fingers on the right strings.

“So, the first bit of the chorus is a C-chord, and then you’ll picked your fingers to these frets."

Once Brooklyn was done guiding and explaining, the blonde chuckled at Jack’s reaction as the younger was totally speechless, staring agape on him.

Frankly, it was always the Irish boy who teaches the other boy the proper chords, so seeing it the other way around, especially for this song, was apparently, too mind-blowing for Jack.

“Wow, you’re really that surprise, Jonky?” Brook laughed still holding the Irish boy’s hands and fingers and not to mention, the blonde’s bare torso just touching his back—to which Jack realized and he began to blush faintly.

Putting distance from Jack, Brook urged the other boy to play the chords he taught and slowly, the Irish boy played the chords.

And to my word now I’ll be true,
I can’t stop this breaking loose
This love is like wildfire…”

Jack hummed softly, giving Brooklyn a shy smile. Grinning back, the blonde boy gave the other a thumb up, finally able to see him strum the right tune of the chorus.

Getting lost in the music, Jack sang a bit more confidently. He gave Brooklyn a piercing glance and to his delight, the blonde boy joined him in singing,

“We are bound to each other hearts,
Cold, torn and pulled apart,
This love is like wildfire…"

Ending the song with a final strum, Jack smiled and thanked the older boy for helping him.

Brooklyn shrugged him off as he grinned, “Anytime, Jonky. By the way, for what’s the song for? You gotta surprise the Roadies for a cover post on Insta?”

Jack looked down as he answered, “Uhh no… I meant to play it to someone…”

“Really who?”

“N-no one…just someone,” Jack replied mumbling.

Brook laughed at Jack’s answer, shaking his head, before saying bye to Jack. The blonde boy went upstairs, heading back to his room to feed Spyro.

Once the older blonde left, Jack sighed as he went back to strumming his guitar, whispering, “That someone was you, idiot.”

“I can’t stop this breaking loose,
This love is like wildfire
Like wildfire
Like wildfire…”

Plucking the chords of Wildfire, he told himself, ‘Someday, Jack, someday…’

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