randy • luggage catastrophe

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(Trigger Warnings: Strong Language, Mild Sexual Content)

Rye felt the change of the usual warm, sunny air into a breezy, cold wind. He closed his eyes and breathed in the homely ambiance, continuing to stroll the airport terminal with his backpack and luggage in tow.

How he missed home. It has been a couple of years since he has stepped foot from his home country---staying over in Spain to finish his doctoral degree. He smiled once he saw a familiar face, lips quirking up as he wrapped both of his arms to hug his older brother.

Robbie laughed in joy, jokingly carrying Rye into the air as he twirled the other. He groaned, still holding the other into his hips, "My, you're heavier than I thought."

"Well, it has been two years, Robbs. I am not lanky anymore." Rye chuckled, unwrapping himself from the other. "Besides, your bones are getting weaker because of old age."

"Hey, I am just a couple of years older than you."

"Still older."

Robbie shook his head, locking Rye's head into his forearm and messing with the other's hair, "Still mean and silly, I see."

"Never will change." Rye grinned, telling his brother that they should go now.

While in the car, Robbie told him a lot of things that has happened while he was away. Rye already knew most of them, since they still call and Facetime whenever they are both available but the younger listened anyway. His older brother was always a talker.

Robbie went on about how him and his girlfriend are finally planning on living together in a studio apartment in London and how Sammie and Shaun, their younger twin siblings, were finally starting elementary school. Both their parents are planning to retire once their older sons finally landed on stable jobs.

Rye was happy for them, even more so once he caught a glimpse of their simple but familial home. It was the same red roof with a replaced glass window when him and his twin brothers accidentally smashed it while playing football.

His younger brothers hugged him first, his mother and father coming close after. Robbie joined the huddle, joking about not wanting to be left behind.

They all laughed and his mother kissed him on his cheeks, "How's my Ryepie?"

"Never been better, mom."

The Beaumonts entered the house, Rye being escorted to the dining room so he could eat the food they prepared for him---his eyes immediately plastered on his favorite dish, his mother's special spaghetti recipe. His twin brothers took his backpack and luggage, while his parents urged him to sit on a chair. Robbie already knew what the other was thinking so he scooped some pasta on a plate and drizzled it with cheese.

Rye thanked the other, waiting for the others to get their own foods as they chatted while eating. They were totally having a normal family conversation---Rye talking about his time in Spain---when Robbie spat some of his drink, pointing to their little twin brothers who were playing near the dining table.

His parents gasped, obviously horrified on the scene they were seeing which made Rye looked back from his chair.
Once he saw the ruckus, he was appalled. Sammie and Shaun were laughing as they were reenacting a Star Wars fight scene---they were pretending to fight, using those as lightsabers.

"Rye, they got that from your luggage!" Robbie said, quickly standing up and approaching the twins. "Sammie, Shaun, don't play with those!"

"But they're cool, funny swords!" Sammie laughed, his twin brother closely following behind him. Robbie was chasing them around.

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