jack-centric/jacklyn • bitter snowflake

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How did Brooklyn take it?

"Ehrm, everyone took it quite well..."

Jack lied. When he answered that question on his first live after leaving the band, he faltered and lied. Not everyone just took it quite well.

It took the other members months to accept the fact he was leaving, they were all kinds of angry, sad and hurt. And, Jack could not blame them.

The band was finally setting out into a good place, them having almost or more than a million subscribers in all sorts of media platform, and them officially opening an online merch store.

There was the plan of them finally getting signed by an international label and Jack would just suddenly tell them, he's out, 'I don't want to anymore.'---totally ruining the plan.
Who would not be upset by that? He definitely would.

He told their manager first. Blair was an energy of temperance and understanding, no matter what discussion you have with him. He would be quiet and listening when you would say something to him and would think of the best plan and solution.

It was probably his manager instincts, father (not literally, but you know what Jack meant) instincts, and his own experience of being a boyband member that made him that way.

He was quiet and listening when Jack explained why he wanted to leave the band. And by the end, he just nodded. Completely alright and simple, just like that.

"So, how would you tell the other boys?" Blair asked, arms crossed and his expression a mixture of curiosity and worry. "How would you tell them? Him?"

He knew who that him meant. And fuck, Jack could only close his eyes and sigh, thinking about how to tell the others---the other. He assured Blair that he would handle it and that he knows what to do.

The manager placed a hand on his shoulder, a gentle squeeze and a genuine smile, "Good luck, son. Go chase whatever makes you happy."

Jack thanked the older man, sharing a brief hug and a knowing look. Blair ruffling his messy mop of hair as they both hoped for the best.

Jack went to Sonny, afterwards. He knew the curly man would be accepting and understanding once he told him about it. He meant, would he even have another reaction? The other man was albeit sad, yes, but he really has no room to be mad or even be upset about it.

Sonny was the latest member---the one who joined after Mikey left. He already knew the feeling when a member leaves a band---he experienced it once before and he experienced the aftermath of another.

And he told Jack, things did not end well when he got mad and upset in Overload Gen. So, he would not make the same mistake again.

He hugged Jack and patted his back, honestly telling him he would miss him and he could not wait to see what Jack would do in the future. Jack gave him a smile, thanking him and wishing the same for them.

Then, Andy. The oldest was reasonable and sound when Jack announced it to him---the other giving a slight nod, asking necessary questions and totally hearing his perspective when he explained.

Andy has always been like that. Hearing everything and everyone whenever there was an issue or situation involved. He would speak out his honest views and would not take bullshit as an answer.

The blonde has his ground checked---knew what to say and what to do in any type of situation---and that probably came from his previous boyband experience. And just, overall his life, maturity and personality.

Andy hugged him, whispering a good luck and a thank you when Jack finally told him everything. He chilled on Andy's room for a bit, them talking about future plans, dreams and music. Always jamming and appreciating music whenever the two of them were together.

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