Your sloppy kisses
Which I had hated at the time
Are what I miss the most
The laughter that escaped your mouth and warmed mine
Was comforting as though sitting next to a roaring fire
A wildfire
Rushing through the forest
Destroying all reason and everything in its path
But when it is over there is room for growth
The ashes will fertilize the earth
For a new set of trees
Now it is overgrown and there is no fire to tame it
When we start out
we feel so happy and blissful,
The rush of something new is coursing through our blood and we can't get enough of each other.
Our hands are a little too wondering,
Our mouths a little red.
Our voices are rough from the late night talks.
The car rides never a dull.
We never felt awkward because we both were already.
You may not believe me now but I did love you.
Happily ever after
The words I have fallen in love with
At a young age
From the beginning
I just loved the idea of love
It blinded me from what was actually
Going on
You were my first actual love, but I was weak.
I am broken underneath that smile you see everyday
You may distract me from that but,
It doesn't change that it's there.
I am a broken doll
The one you beg like your life depended on it
For your grandma to fix
But she says it's unfixable
I cannot be fixed
I gave into my broken parts, I gave into my past pains.
My paranoia that nobody could love and stay for me got the best of me.
You gave no sign of leaving me
but with every twist and turn on the road of our relationship
I grew a paranoia that you would tuck and roll out of the car.
I couldn't believe that I was good enough.
Because I was weak to my darkness I let it corrupt my love and I grew
You smiled I saw lies.
You laugh I heard mockery.
You kissed me I felt yours on other.
I felt as though I had fallen into a pit of shadows.
And I knew I had allowed that to happen and I tried to fix it so badly,
but I couldn't while I was with you and I couldn't express what was happening when I ended it.
But I needed you to believe it was a permanent ending for myself to focus and fix.
But because it hurt me to let you go I bounced to someone new
that I couldn't care for as much as I had for you.
Is it wrong that I bounced?
Then to believe the one you love the most
Will never feel the same?
Is it wrong when the new gives you attention
You latch onto them like a leech
Unconsciously using that relationship to get over the other?
Is it wrong to end it with the second
Because you can't get over the first?
Is it wrong to fall all over the first again after you've hurt the second?
Was it wrong to hope the second would
Outweigh the first if given the chance?
Is it wrong to want to get over a person?
Am I in the wrong?
I've made some mistakes
I've given up too easily
I've hurt some people
I fear feelings are not mutual anymore
So I will have to tuck away these feelings that are growing
So we can be just friends
I rather be friends then get hurt or
Have you feel awkward ever talking to me again
I rather be at your wedding as a friend than not be there at all
This doesn't mean if something happens
I'll push it away,
But I will bury these feelings like a bone in the backyard,
Where it cannot breath and cannot be seen
Where only I know it's there,
I'll pour concrete over it as I put on a stone face, a mask
So no one could dig for it
I will break the connection until it has decomposed and even I can no longer find it intact
Commitment issues
I literally write poetry
Because I can never finish a story
Once it gets too hard to continue
It's gone and I have no inspiration
Poetry starts and ends normally on the same page
It expresses what I'm saying
In a short amount of time
And then it's over, gone
But it's not
It festers inside hoping for someone to notice
Thoughts rush through my head
Slipping through my grasp before I can even comprehend
When you forget to put pen to paper
You begin to end
I leave pages behind hoping you pick them up
They're all about you
It's crazy how you can feel like you're yelling your thoughts
Yet no one can hear you
You've have accepted my hand in friendship and
I couldn't be happier to have at least
A small part of you
A Poetry Journal of a High School Girl
PuisiTake a journey through high school via poetry