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Reizo stays in His beast form due to it being more cofortable for him. He rarely uses his human looking form. Also you always wake up at night due to perfect night vision. Also I'm not doing Toby's tics in this story cause I'm lazy.
*Haru's Pov*

"Nii-san! Nii-san!" I awoke to shin on top of me while yelling.

"Nii-san! Nii-san!" I awoke to shin on top of me while yelling

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I sat up in while rubbing my eyes. "Whats up?" I ask, groggy from sleep. "Kai got stuck again!" Shin spoke which caused me to Facepalm before getting up and walking outside to see that Kai was indeed stuck.

 "Kai got stuck again!" Shin spoke which caused me to Facepalm before getting up and walking outside to see that Kai was indeed stuck

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"GET ME OUTTA HERE DAMNIT!!"He yelled which caused me to chuckle. I walked over to Kai and put my clawed paws/hands on my hips. "In between the same two trees again? How do you always manage to get stuck in the same place over and over again? Ya know what, never mind." I chuckled before pushing the trees farther apart so Kai could escape. He angrily stomped out from between the two trees. "Thanks I guess..." Kai spoke before going to the den.
I chuckled before doing the same. "Kai... How bout we go on a hunt?"
His head perked up as his tail began to wag. "REALLY?!"
I chuckled and nodded before grabbing my swords and putting them on my back. "Go get your brother." He nodded as we both stepped out of the den.
*Time skip brought to you by A pole dancing Masky.*

I ran through the woods on all fours with Shin and Kai following behind. We stopped at the edge of a near by camp. We were about to attack when I smelt a foreign scent. I motioned for my kin (Shin and Kai) to stop and wait. I saw someone with orange goggles and a mouthguard step out of the shadows. They didnt appear to see us so I sat and waited. He had accedentally stepped on a branch, breaking it and alerting the campers. They got out of the tent which caused the person with goggles to throw his hatchets at them. One of the campers shot him 3 times with a shotgun before receiving a hatchet to the face. The person with goggles seemed to stumble before passing out. I ran forward and caught him before he fell unconscious. "Shin Kai, get the bodies and drag them back to camp, I'll follow close behind. I'm taking him with us to treat his wounds." I spoke firmly as I picked up the boy and his Hatchets. My kin nodded and picked up the corpses in their mouths. (They aren't small wolves. In fact, They are quite big for a wolves size so carrying a grown man in their jaws is quite easy.)
Me and my kin took off twards camp.

*Toby's Pov*

I woke up to find myself in an unfamiliar place. It seemed to be some type of hut. I looked down to see I was laying on a bed made of animal skins, not only that but I was shirtless and my torso was bandaged.
"Ah, your awake I see. Thats good."
I looked up to see what looked like a massive werewolf with a snake tail and feathered tip. "Who are you?" I spoke a bit scared. "No need to be frightened, I treated your wounds. Oh you must be hungry right? You smelt like waffles so I assume you like them yes?"

I perked up before nodding my head exitedly which caused the creature in front of me to chuckle. "I'm glad since I went into town and got you some." He said while handing me a takeout box with waffles inside. I greedily took it before thanking him. "Tis no problem. I'm glad I could help, its the least I could do. When you are finished, call my name, which is Haru though outside of this area I am called Famine."
I nodded and thanked him once more as he left.

After I finished eating, I called out to which Haru walked in and took empty tray before putting it in a bag.
"I noticed your weapons were a little rusty and bloody so I cleaned them. I also sharpened them."
He spoke before handing me my Hatchets in a leather cloth. They looked brand new, as if they had never been used before, the handle had even been replaced. "You did this? Thats amazing!" I spoke to which he chuckled. "Tis nothing. I make weapons sometimes so its fairly easy to do what I did for you. Now, How bout we get you back to slender?"
I froze once he said that last sentence. As if sensing what I was going to ask, he answered. "I had seen him many times in these woods before so his scent is not new to me. You not only smell of waffles but him as well. If I had to guess, You are a proxy yes?"
I nodded to which he chuckled. "I have been meaning to speak with him since I've lived here for 3 years now. Its nice to know who your neighbors are isn't it Toby? Oops, sorry forgot. I saw your name on your hatchet so when I replaced your handle I also stiched your name back onto the new leather."

I nodded just in time for a large wolf to walk in and start barking at Haru.
He turnd to it and nodded before turning back to me. "This is Shin, he says that he's seen some of slender's other proxies looking around and calling your name. I think it's time we take you home."
I nod as he hands me my hoodie.
"I'll be waiting outside for you. I'd like your help so I could meet slender. I have some business with him. Nothing bad of course."
He left as I proceded to get ready. I walked out of the hut to see Haru waiting with the same wolf from before as well as a new one. Haru seemed to have two large swords strapped on his back. "Nice swords." I called out which caused him and the wolves to turn twards me. The wolf I had met earlier walked over to me and seemed to try to communicate which caused Reizo to laugh. "Shin he cant understand you like I can. Though its up to him if he wants to." I tilted my head to the side in confusion before asking, "What do you mean by that?" He chuckled before answering that. "I have many abilities. One of which allowed me to give others the ability to understand wolves and snakes. Would you like that ability?"
"Wow! Cool! That would be awesome!" I spoke exitedly. He began walking forward before placing a clawed finger on my forehead causing a sudden flash of blue light. I fluttered my eyes before hearing someone speak. "Can you understand me now?" I turned to see it was the wolf Haru called Shin. I nodded my head to which Shin spoke once more.
"As You know this is Big bro Haru or as I call him, Nil-San. Over here is Kai who is a big grump and I'm Shin!" I chuckled at his enthusiasm before turning to Haru who had cleared his throat. "Toby, you can ride on shins back while you lead us to slender ok?"
I nodded before turning to shin who had positioned himself lower. "Ya might wanna hang on when we run cause we're pretty fast!" Shin spoke exitedly before turning to Haru and nodding. Haru got on all fours before Shin took off as the others followed, and I have to admit, they were indeed fast.

To be Continued...

I hop you liked it since I'm a crappy writer. I will however try to post as much as possible so yeah. Buh bye!

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