Hi, im Maddie

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"Maddie darling don't be nervous!" Freddie's voice rang through the phone as Maddie wraps the phone cord around her finger. She bites down on her bottom lip and she sighs.

"Fred, I'm meeting your band mates! Of course I'm nervous!" She says. She could hear Freddie groan on the other side of the phone.

"Darling, they won't bite! They are very genuine and nice- besides, you might find one of the boys cute." Freddie says giggling like a little school girl. Maddie chuckles and little and purses her lips.

"Ok Fred, I'll be at your house in about 15 minutes" She says looking down at her watch.

"Alright dear, I'll see you then." Freddie says. The phone goes dead and Maddie hangs it back up on the receiver. She puts her hands on her hips and looks at her closet, sighing.

"I have to look presentable don't I?" She mumbles to herself.
Maddie arrives to Freddie's house and she knocks at the door hesitantly. She stuffs her hands in her coat and she looks down. The door swings wide open and in front of her, was a smiley Freddie. She looks up and she gives him a small smile and he gives her a hug.

"I know your shy lovey, just don't be nervous" He says whispering into her ear while they're hugging each other. Maddie pulls back and nods. Freddie grabs her hand and he drags her inside. she looks up at everyone and gives them a shy smile as She takes off her coat and she puts it on the coat rack. Everyone's eyes were on her and Freddie's mom stood up to greet her.

"Maddie! It's so good to see you again sweetheart" Jer says softly.

"You too Jer" Maddie says hugging her. She feels a hand on her wrist so, Maddie pulls back from the hug and before she knew it, Freddie had dragged her over to meet his band mates. Maddie could feel her heart start to race as She approaches them.

"Listen up lovies" Freddie says clapping his hands. "You've all heard about my Best Friend Maddie" Freddie says and She blushes and smiles slightly.

"Hi, I'm Maddie" She says to the four men in front of her. She felt a pair of eyes on her so she looked up from her feet and she comes into contact with a gorgeous man. He had dark Curls that fell on his shoulders perfectly. His jawline was so perfect and his dark eyes...were just so beautiful. He gave her a little smile and Maddie could feel her cheeks heat up.

"So, Maddie, this is Roger- the womanizer." Freddie says pointing to the blonde boy. He was cute, but she could tell he wasn't her type of guy. Roger winks at her and he gives her a smirk. Maddie just gives him a little smile, just to be polite. She mentally rolled her eyes at the way he smirked at her. She could tell he was a player.

"This is John- the quiet one of the group" Freddie says pointing to the quiet man that was sitting beside Roger. He looks up at her and he gives her a little wave and a shy smile. He had long hair that went slightly past his shoulders and he had a girl beside him. Maddie could tell that John was a nice, shy boy.

"Last but certainly not least, this is Brian- the smart ass of the group." Freddie says pointing to they guy that rolled his eyes at Freddie. Maddie giggled to herself at Freddie's comment about him. That was the boy that she thought was very handsome and good looking. She was trying to prevent her cheeks from turning beet red, so she just gave him a cute little smile and he gave her a sweet smile back at her. Freddie gives Maddie a small smirk because he instantly knew that she sorta liked Brian from the moment she laid eyes on him.

"Darling, there's no other seat- oh! There's a seat open next to Brian." Freddie says acting innocent. She gives him a very short death glare and She walks over to sit beside Brian. Maddie could feel her heart about to pop out of her chest as she sat down. She exhaled quietly and she messed with her hands for a little bit while everyone else around her talks.

"So Maddie" Says a voice that came from the end of the table. She looked up and met her eyes with Freddie's father Bomi. "What did you major in collage again? I know you finished it a while back." He says as the whole table goes quiet to hear her response.

"Oh, well I studied fashion design and that's how I met fred- but I would've like to have studied astrophysics because my father studied it when he was in collage and I thought it was always fascinating."Maddie smiles a little at the mention of her father and all the good memories they had together.

"That's a coincidence because I am actually studying astrophysics in collage" Says a voice that comes from beside her. Maddie looks over and sees the Brian was talking to her. She felt her face heat up (aGaIn) and she gave him a little smile. Freddie was giving them both 'the look'.

"Maddie let me talk to you- in private" Freddie says causing Maddie's head to look at Freddie. She gets up from the table and she goes into the hallway where Freddie waits for her. He yanks her wrist pulling her towards him causing her to squeal a little.

"You have the hots for Brian, I can tell" Freddie says making Maddie roll her eyes.

"Whatever" Maddie says fiddling with the hem on her shirt.

"Maddie- stop trying to hide your crush for Brian, I know you like him." Freddie says a little more quieter. Maddie groans and gives in, admitting her tiny crush on Brian.

"I'm gonna set you guys up on a date- just wait and see darling." Freddie says walking back over to the table before Maddie could say anything.

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