Chapter 3

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A/N: I know, I know... Ize hasn't been doing authors notes... :P but it's coz, I felt like this story was kinda poopy, and y'all didn't like it... *pout... BUT, THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IF YOU GUYS WOULD JUST COMMENT/VOTE! COZ I'VE ONLY GOT 5 VOTES, AND 3 ARE FROM ME! Arrrrrrrrgggggggg! Ok, now I feel better... :) But seriously you guys, I was almost gonna delete this story! *huff! Just at the very least comment me a cheesay joke, coz writing is hard! Hmph, well enjoy, I MIGHT just make it a filler chapter... ;-)

Chapter 3

Liam's pov:

What have I done... I kept pacing back and forth in the kitchen. It was past midnight but I couldn't sleep. I can't believe I KIDNAPPED someone! And Zayn-frigging-Malik at that! I ran a hand through my hair. Aaaaaaaaah! What have I done... I walked over and plopped down on the couch, my head in my hands.

My self-chastising was soon interrupted by muttering, and openings and closings of the kitchen cabinents. I got up, deciding to investigate, I walked over. The bare back of a VERY muscular Zayn filled my view, as he continued searching the cabinents. I had to suppress a strong urge to jump up and tackle him, licking my lips instead. How had his hair stayed so perfecftly quiffed???

"Whatcha looking for?" I asked. He turned, startled, his face instantly relaxing when he saw it was me.

"I can't find the dang cups." He grumbled, his eyebrows scrunching together in frustration. I laughed walking over to the opposite side of the kitchen. I opened the cabinent and grabbed a cup out, I couldn't quite reach the other one. I sub-conciously bit my lip, stretching, and standing on my tip-toes. I felt a warm chest touch my un-clothed back, and I shivered. Zayn reached up and plucked the cup off the shelf, handing it to me. My face burned.

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

"Hey, at least you knew which side of the kitchen they were on!" I turned smiling, walking to the fridge. Opening it I grabbed some apple juice pouring Zayn and myself some. He took the glass as I handed it to him.

"What're you doing up?" He asked, leaning on counter.

I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep..." He nodded, looking down into his glass. "Zayn?" He looked up.


"I-I just, never mind..." I wanted to tell him that I did it, to save him from his cruddy home life... He probably just thinks I'm some crazy guy that likes randomly kidnapping people. I sighed, putting my glass in the sink. "I think I'm gonna go back to bed..." I mumbled, walking out. I headed towards my room, leaving Zayn in the kitchen. I fell into my bed, finally drifting off from pure exhaustion...

A/N: So I guess it was sorta a filler. :P ize sowwy... It all leads up to my MASTER PLAN!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Lol! (and yes, both boys were in boxers! ;)) Soooooooo! Why am I updating at 7:30 in the morning???? Weeeeeelllllllll, for all you guys out there, you better feel damn lucky your not a girl. -_- That's all I'm gonna say. Ugh. Comment/vote/fan!!! Luv ya dolls!!! Stay Sparklay!!!! ^_^

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