Chapter 5

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A/N: Oh. Oh mah glob. It's here. Like Whoa. Schnapps. o_o GIVE IT UP FOR DUH FIFTH CHAPPPP-AAAAY!!!!!!!! *says in awesome DJ like voice thingy ;]* And so is your aaaaaaaaa-maaaayzin writer!!!!! *bows and waves off the ear bursting applause* Oh my, y'all are just too kind!!!! *wipes away tears* FREEEE HUGZIES FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! Except for you.

-_- ya you.

I'm talking to you Gary. So go sit in the corner and think about your life!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! *in creepo/phedo voice* This is what haaaapens when the author doesn't get any sleep for two weeks... Heh heh heh... And on THAT creepily psychotic note! Let's get on to the stooorrrry!!!! xD Luv ya mah little Narwhals you!!!! xD Enjooooy!

p.s. don't forget to vooote!

Chapter 5

Zayn's pov

I sleepily peeled open my eyes, my mind was numb. I shivered, noticing my covers were all flung to side. I groaned trying to pull them back, the bundle of covers moaned.

"Zaynie..." Liam mumbled, and scooted back towards me. I pulled him and the blankets closer to my body, ceasing my shivering. I loved how he called me that, it made me feel all... Tingly inside. He rolled over, facing me, his eyes still closed.

"Mmmm... I should probably get up and start breakfast..." I said to his curly brown hair, and started to drag myself out of Liam's warm cozy bed.

"Noooo... Cuddle with me...?" He said pulling me back against him, and burrowing his face in my chest.

"Come with me instead...?" I whispered, nuzzling his neck. He giggled.

A few minutes later we had gotten up, and were getting dressed. Zipping my jeans, I could feel Liam's gaze on me. I turned, and seeing him shirtless and in jeans almost made me drool... Clearing my throat I blushed a deep crimson.

"Um, What is it LiLi?" His eyes snapped up to my face, and his cheeks flushed a light pink.

"It's just that... you, um..."

"What? What's wrong???" I asked worriedly.

"You just have these adorable dimples at the bottom of your back." He rushed out in one breath, and blushing furiously. I smiled like an idiot as we both threw on our shirts, and walked to the humongous kitchen. We each made ourselves some cereal, and sat down to eat, Liam using a-fork? Ohhhh k... To each their own I guess, and mentally shrugged. Wait. Then it hit me. Did I just- Ya I did. I just slept and cuddled with a guy. And not just ANY guy, Liam. My kidnapper. My jaw dropped, and my spoon fell out of hand and splashed back into my bowl, splattering milk all over.

"Ewwwy! You got it all over me!" Liam giggled. Seeing my expression he quickly sobered up and gave me a concerned look. "You ok Zayn?" I shut my mouth, and looked up at him. Shit. Big mistake. Why did he have to be so adorable when his eyebrows were all scrunched up like that???

"Uh ya, I just- um... I'll be right back!" I sprang up and headed out the kitchen. Liam grabbed my wrist turning me around, and shoved me up against the wall. What the- He cut off my thought. And kissed me, it was rough but in a good way... Wait. I quickly shoved him off me. What the- what the what?!?! I rushed back to my room. Shutting my door, I slid down it. Putting two fingers to my lips, they were still tingly. I groaned, my head flopping down onto my arms, crossed over my knees. Shit. Just shit.

Liam's pov

I watched basically run up the stairs, at first I was sad but... No matter what Zayn or anybody else said...





I grinned and sat back down, picking up my fork, I finished my fruit loops. I chuckled to myself. He was slowly coming around, I could feel it.

So ya... be mad at me all you want! It's uber short I know... ;n; merrrr, hey you can't say you didn't love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD oh one more thing....

(scroll down)

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(scroll some more...)

(oh mah goodness! well look at that just scroll a biiiiit.... mooooooooore......)



Thank you!!! Until next update!

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