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This was inspired by "Catalyst" which is an Eating Disorder short film.
(Tw:Mentions of Eating Disorder,anxiety attack )

Evan sat on the couch in the Eating Disorder recovery center while in deep though. Why was he here? He didn't belong here. Why!? Why did his mom have to put him in this stupi- Evans thoughts were interrupted by a group of three people barging into the door. One was a Boy with short brownish hair and Glasses. The next was a Girl with Shoulder Length Brown hair. Then a boy with shoulder length brown hair who looked like he might be related to the girl.

"It's just not fair that everyone is hating on him for it! He was sleep deprived for the love of god!" The boy with glasses shouted at the girl. The long haired boy rolled his eyes at the both of them as if saying "This argument is so stupid" "That's no excuse! You don't just Cheat on your wife and say 'oH I wAs sLeEp dEpRiVeD' It doesn't work that way Jared!" So his name is Jared Evan thought. Jared nudged the girl on her shoulder "Look. A newbie" Everyone looked over at Evan. Ew. Social interaction.

The girl walked over and sat next to Evan. "Hi I'm Zoe. I'm Anorexic." She said. Jared was next "I'm also Anorexic." He said. Then the long haired boy "I'm Connor. I'm bulimic." He said. "W-wow. Y-y-you guys are r-r-really op-pen.." Evan said Quietly. "So what's your ED?" Zoe said "oh come on he's obviously Anorexic. Look how skinny he is!" Jared said. Connor looked pissed. "Skinny doesn't mean Anorexic! Anorexic doesn't mean skinny!" He shouted. "Damn. No need to get pissy. Seriously you should really see a therapist about that Temper of yours." Jared said,Slightly smirking. "Shut the hell up Jared Bath bomb fucker Kleinman!" Connor shouted. He turned to Evan. "Sorry about him. He's an Ass. So..what ED do you have..?" Evan looked down nervously "I-I'm Anorexic." Connor nodded. Just then,Nurse Laurens walked in. "Alight Connor,Zoe,and Jared will you please set the table for meal time while I welcome Evan?" Nurse Laurens smiled. He seemed nice. "of course!" Zoe said. While everyone began setting the table Nurse Laurens walked over to Evan and shook his hand "Good Afternoon! I'm Nurse Laurens. Or you can call me John. Whichever one is fine!" He said cheerfully. "I-m Evan. Evan H-Hansen." Evan said. "John! We're done!" Jared shouted "excellent!" Shouted John.

*Time slip cuz the author is a lazy piece of garbage*

    Everyone sat down at the table. Jared was reading over the rules and Evan wasn't really paying attention. He looked up and Noticed Connor Staring at him. God,he had the most gorgeous eyes. Evan could feel the heat rising to his cheeks just as Connor looked down at his plate. Jared took a bow after reading the rules "Thank you" He said dramatically then sat down. everyone else had Already began eating tiny bites of their food,not wanting to eat what they considered to much. Evan started to feel extremely nauseous and the Walls started closing in. Oh no. No no no no. He couldn't have a Panic attack. Not now. His breathing got faster and faster. Connor soon noticed this and began to get concerned. "Evan? You okay buddy?" John looked over at Evan to see what Connor was talking about. He instantly knew what was wrong. He was a nurse after all.

      Once John calmed Evan down everything was okay....Or so they thought. Evan stared down at his food. "M-may I be E-excused?" He asked politely. "You can't leave until you've eaten all of your food" John said "Well I-I'm s-s-Sorry I c-can't do this." Evan sounded like he was about to Cry. "Evan just take a deep breath! You can do this!" John said,trying to sound enthusiastic. "WELL I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING DO THIS!!" He shouted and ran outside. Connor went to go after him. "Connor sit down!" John shouted "Make me." He said and walked out the door.

   Connor found Evan sitting by the pool "Hey. You've only been here an hour and you've already found the best hiding spot!" Connor shouted. "leave me Alone!" Evan shot back "I don't think I will." Connor said as he sat down Next to Evan. Evan sighed in defeat. after a Moment,Evan broke the silence. "I don't belong here." He said looking down and fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt. "I know" Connor sighed. "I just want to go home." Evans voice was cracking at this point. "I know" Connor said. "B-b-but I'm not going to because I know if I d-do..t-then-" Connor interrupted him "You know you'll die." He said. Evan bursted into tears. "Today's my birthday...Today's my fucking birthday." He cried. Connor put his arm around his shoulder and just held him there. Maybe recovery wouldn't be so bad after all. As long as he had Connor.

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