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Evan's POV
I woke up in Connor's arms,as usual. I very slowly shifted. I don't want to wake him up. I wrap my arm around his waist and lay my head on his chest. He tightens his grip around me and my heart has a seizure. I suddenly feel a light kiss on my head. I move my head so that I'm looking at Connor. "Good morning,Sunshine." He smiles "Good morning. Did I wake you up?" I ask. I really hope I didn't. "Nope. I don't think so." He says.

  "Okay. Good." I giggle and give him a small kiss. "I love you." He whispers. I of course start blushing like an idiot. "I love you too,Con." He gives me another kiss and my heart has another seizure.
"Be right back." I say and wiggle out of his grip. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back. I grab a pillow and smack him with it. I instantly regret it. He has a hurt look on his face.

But then he starts smiling. He grabs his pillow and hits me square in the face.

Connor's POV
"PILLOW FIGHT!" I scream and Evan hits me right in the ballsack. "OOF. Mother trucker dude!" I throw the pillow at my Boyfriend and he doges it. "Nice skills." Evan says. "But mine," he hits me in the stomach. "Are better!" He yells. Then his mom comes in with a concerned look and then starts dying of laughter. "I heard Connor scream so I came to see what was wrong." She laughs "Just a pillow fight,Mom." Evan says,smiling. "I can see that. Well I'll leave y'all to it." She says and closes the door. I make eye contact with Evan. "Alright,alright you win!" I laugh. Evan lays down and throws his arm around me. I hold him and play with his hair. Now that he's comfortable,time to Plan my surprise attack. I move my arm to grab a pillow. He turns his head towards me.

"It's okay sweetheart." He smiles and lays back down. I quickly grab the pillow and scream "SIKE BITCH!" And hit him with it. He screams and reaches   For a pillow. Wait no he's reaching for two pillows. I try to stop him but it's too late. I'm outgunned. Fuck. "HOLD ON.!" I grab my phone,call Jared,and put him on speaker. "What,School shooter?" "Hey bath bomb fucker. Me and Evan want to fight but you are the president so like we need permission." "I declare war on Evan." He hangs up.

"You heard the man." Evan says and starts hitting me with both pillows. I try to fight but the tree boi is stronger than I thought. "DO YOU SURRENDER!?" He screams!? "NEVER! I'M AMERICAN I WONT FUCKING QUIT!" Evan gives me a weird look. "But I'm American too..?" Perfect. He's distracted. I snatch a pillow from his hand. And attack. "WHAT NO-" He Grabs a tissue off his nightstand and Yeets it at me. "I SURRENDER!" I throw my arms up. "VICTORY SCREECH!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOO"

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