Chapter 11

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I lay their in pain for a whole of about an hour before I can move around. I get up and realize I an not in my room but in the infirmary in the lab. I pull the needle out of my arm and walk towards the door. I hear Ray and Henry out in the main room of the lab talking in hushed tones.
"We ran some tests and nothing seems to be wrong with her she is just laying there mumbling weird things." Ray said and that was when I remembered what I told him.
"When we got in there there was a weird vial on the table and she was licking her finger maybe the vial hurt her." Henry said. Well it's time to test the bond in the most dangerous way possible.
"Well guys I'm all good now and the reason I was out of commission was because Venomous had a bond. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you she would have killed me and the potion broke the b......" I said but was interrupted by Henry running up to me and hugging me. I hugged him back and the next thing I new Henry, Ray and I were in a big group hug.
"Guys I was only out for a day, Why the big reunion." I asked Ray let go of me and so did Henry. They looked at me confused before answering. "You were out for 10 days not one." Ray spoke. I locked at him shocked that can't be I was only laying their for a day if that. I sit down on the couch and ask if I can watch tv on the monitor. Ray lets me know that I hadn't missed any school because the school just happened to have to be fumigated the day we saw Venomous.

"Where is Venomous." I asked.

"She escaped from jail three days ago and we haven't seen her since." Henry said.

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