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"I never want tonight to end either... But it's going to." Violet admitted to herself and professed to Clementine, "There's nothing we can do about it."

"We can make it as memorable as possible." Clementine stood, leaving the blankets behind. She reached a hand out to Violet, "So that we can relive it in our hearts whenever we think about it."

Violet's face flushed as she took Clementine's hand and allowed her to pull her to standing, "W-what did you have in mind?" She asked nervously.

Clementine led Violet to the edge of the dock, toes hanging over the ledge, "Let's float weightless among the stars, just like we talked about."

"What do you mean?" Violet said, looking up. Clementine chuckled and gently pointed Violet's head down so she was looking at the lake.

"Let's swim in the stars." Clementine said with such a light in her eyes, she had Violet agreeing.

Clementine pulled off her socks, her boots having been removed a long time ago, and started to reach down to pull off her dress, Violet's mind reeled.

"What are you doing?" Violet felt panicked at the thought of seeing Clementine jump clothesless into the lake, as she had that night that seemed like years ago now. Only this time she had a front row seat and with the full moon, nothing would be hidden from Violet's gaze.

"I'm taking my dress off, and you are too." Clementine stated as if it were no big deal.

"N-no, I can swim with my clothes on." Violet said self consciously, arms folded in front of her chest.

"We'll wear our underwear, it's just like a swim suit." Clementine said, noting the embarrassed look on Violet's face, "What's wrong, it's just you and me."

"You've never seen the kind of swim suit I wear. I've never worn a bikini." Violet admitted, looking at the wet boards beneath her feet, "In fact, I usually swim in a t-shirt. I don't look like you Clem, I'm not strong and muscular... I'm scrawny..."

"Violet, you are so pretty." Clementine cupped her cheeks with both of her hands and held it so they were face to face, "Everything about you is pretty, your face, your hair, your body. Dancing with you tonight, I could hardly stop myself from..." She trailed off.

"From what?" Violet asked softly, placing her hands on Clementine's waist, she started rocking gently to a song that only they could hear. The brunette allowed her arms to drop around Violet's shoulders, joining in the silent sway.

"From doing this." Clementine licked her lips as she stared at Violet's. The blonde's heart thumped in anticipation. Clementine leaned forward, closing the small space between them. Their lips met first, followed by their bodies as they pulled the other flush, no longer rocking, focused instead on the feel of their mouths pressed together as if that's where they always belonged. It was more confident than the first kiss, Violet closed her eyes and kissed back, basking in the warmth that seemed to shoot through her like electricity.

Slowly, uncertainly, they parted, resting their foreheads together, not wanting to be too far away, "I think you're pretty too." Violet whispered shyly, the brunette smiled and pulled apart.

"Now, I'm going to swim weightless in the stars, I want you to come with me. Wear your clothes if you're more comfortable, it's okay, your cabin is close by to change in after." Clementine said, smiling at Violet encouragingly. Reaching down, she pulled her simple cotton dress up and over her head, tossing it on top of the blankets. Violet stopped breathing for a second as her eyes roved Clementine's partially naked body. Lingering on her toned stomach and strong arms, trying not to stare at the regions that were still covered.

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