Tying All Loose Ends

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Chapter 15

Ismail predicted the main database in the building would contain the information about the mysterious General Linx, as well as the location of the Intergalactic cannon. They climbed the four stories of the building that lead directly to the database.  In the meantime Fazil, Miriam and Kylie  were in the transportation bay trying to figure out the contents of the high value goods being exported out.

The database was more like a computer hub, with multiple lines of computers placed symmetrically. There was however one supercomputer at the end of the lobby, with a thick glass frame separating it from the rest of the hall.

But there was an air of unease in the room, by the arrangement of the seats, tossed around files, broken windows and shattered computer screens, it was clear that they must have left in a hurry for god knows what reason.

Ismail walked slowly towards the supercomputer, slowly not to trip any alarm systems. He was followed by Kabir and Mark. Both surveying the room trying to piece together what had gone wrong here. Unaware of the protocol that had been initiated.

They reached the supercomputer. Ismail  crouched beside the computer table in a precautious manner, just in case someone decided to come back, they wouldn't notice him at first sight .

 He plugged in his arm hologram to the computer device and was transferring the exabytes of data present at the computer. He was gaining all the intel he could get about the alpine resources, even though he knew a lot of them would eventually ask for clearances he took them anyways.

He was downloading the files when the transfer rate was interrupted by a warning message. It stated that the necessary files have been erased, which was strange because if they had been erased before they wouldn’t have popped up the first time, which meant someone was trying to stop them from getting the files.

He told Kabir to go and check it out, in the main database room which according to the building schematics was a floor higher.

“ Oh hell man! Why do I have to do the hardwork? Why can't he? ” asked Kabir in an angry tone.

“ Because I am the muscle of the team and I can protect him better than you can, pest!” retaliated Quake.

“ Ok knock it off you two! What did Fazil say no screw-ups! Now, Pyro go!” knocking out the fight and sending them both away.


Jared could keep his eyes open with great difficulty. The intruders had injected with a drug that caused every nerve ending in his body fire to emit a synaptic response simultaneously causing him to twitch uncontrollably.

They had been at him for a few minutes but he hadn't broken yet but he himself didn't know for how long he could hold on and keep it together

The first intruder having enough of his silence plugged in a nanobots syringe to the computer, clear by his actions that he was programming it. Unclear of what his intentions were, Jared sat there staring at him.

The person after a few minutes walked towards the chair Jared was seated on. The man was suited up in a next generation nanosuit. It had crosslinked fibres all across the length of the body giving him extra rigidity and when he required extra strength from the fuel cells planted underneath his heavily armored chest. His left arm had a hologram and a small six barrel laser gun with barrels distributed along the perimeter of the hand all around.

His helmet was still in place covering his face by means of an anti reflective dark coated glass.

He walked towards him, took another chair and sat beside him. His helmet opened up. The glass lifted up and withdrew into the helmet. The helmet opened up and withdrew back into the collar of his suit all done in a timed and strategically controlled manner to prevent any damage to the skin.

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