How It Began

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"Hey Malia." Collin, my boyfriend, said to me. He grabbed my waist and kissed my neck. "Hi, what do you want for breakfast?" I don't have to look at him to see the smirk on his face, I can hear it in his voice when he whispers in my ear, "are you on the menu?" he slides his hand down under my shirt which was his. "You know I like when you wear my shirts." I look down at the food I was cooking trying to distance myself from my body long enough so he would leave me alone. "Yeah I know babe, but that's all that I could find on the floor."

He turns me around sliding his hands up and down my body. "Collin, the food is gonna burn." He turns the nob and turned it off. "Now it won't." he whispers against my neck" I bite my lip and look away. "Baby can we not, like right now?" I quietly ask, him still kissing my neck. "why you know you want me." He chuckles slightly and lifts me up on the counter. "Collin stop I'm serious." I look in his eyes. Truth be told I was still sore from last night. My bruises were still trying to fade from when he tied me up.

He looks at me and rolls his eyes. "Whatever get the hell down. Your no damn fun." He walks off and our day goes as it normally would. Him off to work and me off to college. As I'm walking down the road to the bus stop I notice this boy with blond hair at the stop. he was wearing a gray hoodie and some black faded skinny jeans. Je was listening to music and he had a guitar case next to his book bag. I walked over and say in the empty seat beside him.

When he looked up at me I noticed he had a lip piercing and when he smiled he had a nice smile and cute little dimples. I smiled and waved shyly and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear looking down at my book. A few minute passed by and the bus came pulling up to the stop. we got on and paid and sat down. He ended up sitting next to me again.

I looked out the window and tried to watch a the scenery changed as we rode. I loved good music and from what I could hear he was listening to one of my fave bands Green Day and from the sound of the instruments it was American idiot. I really wanted to know if I was right or it was gonna kill me for the rest of the day. I'm weird like that.

I tapped his shoulder lightly and when he looked at me I almost lost myself in his eyes. "yes?" he asked, snapping me out of my trance. "oh umm.. I was just wondering what song are you listening to. I couldn't help but here the awesome beat." He smiled small and showed me his phone screen. It has Green Days song American Idiot on it. "I knew it!" I smiled and looked at him. he smiled and nodded. "yeah their really cool."

"I love their other songs. I really love just listening to their instruments. I really love listening to instruments more than anything." He smiled, and wether instinctive or not, he rubbed the neck of his guitar. "Do you play anything?" He asked. "I play a little in different stuff." He smiled more. "Oh really now? can you play this?" he lifted up his guitar and unzipped the case showing a beautiful black and white electric guitar. "Wow. it's so nice.." I slowly reached out to touch it.

"So can you?" he smirked. I looked up and smiled sheepishly. "I probably can learn it better." My stop was coming up I realized. "Um this is my stop. See you around." I stand up and wave. He quickly yet softly grabs my wrist. "wrist I didn't get your name. or number." I smile small and scribble it down on a piece of paper from my bag. "Oh and the names Malia. Malia Reed." He smiles, "And I'm Luke Hemmings." I hop off the bus and walk away. I look back to the window I was at and saw him smiling and waves back at him when he waved to me.

The rest of the day went in a blur. I went to my music and dance and art classes and then went to work on my internship in the library. my other internship for the hospital didn't start till next year.

When I finally got home I laid down and grabbed my phone out of my bag. I decides to text my room mate who had been gone over seas for a project. she'll be back sip and that means Collin can leave. I needed him here while he was away to help pay rent. He was good at bringing in money when needed but so bad at cleaning up behind himself like a normal person.

When I turned my phone I saw that I had two messages. One from Collin and the other from and unknown number. I texted the unknown number back first.

M:Um hi. who is this?
?:Luke from this morning
L:lol hey.
M:So what's up?
L:Nothing much just hanging with some friends. how about you?
M:Just getting home finally.
L:Cool. Would you be up for some guitar playing?
L:Lol yeah
M:Well how am I going to get there?
L:I can pick you up.
M:ok how about I meet you at the bus station?
L:lol don't trust me knowing where you live?
M:Lol I just like taking precautions. I mean I did just meet you lol
L:lol fair enough. I'll be over there soon.
M:Kk see you then.

I smile and text Collin that I'm going over a friends house to study and be home later. He didn't seem happy but didn't protest thankfully. I grabbed my purse and guitar case and leave the house. Hopefully he won't be late, it looks like it gonna snow.

A/N: HI GUYS! I'm Snowbunny and I hope you like my new story! like, comment, and tell your friends! Love ya!

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