Execution Day

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I was in the middle of a court room waiting to hear my sentence for supposedly "betraying" the future foundation. No Lawyer. No proving myself innocent, hell I wasn't even aloud to speak during the thing but the next thing I heard shocked me.

"Makoto Naegi for the crime of betraying the future foundation me and the board of directors have decided your punishment" Kazuo Tengen paused for a minute to look at me with sadness in his eyes. He often told me I had the hope the world needed to survive and had the determination to make that dream reality...... He truly looked sad "You will be publicly executed in a weeks time" That knowledge hit me like a bullet. Executed. Time seemed to stop, I was going to be executed for betraying the future foundation, but in reality I wasn't betraying them. I was told to kill Nagito Komaeda, but I didn't. He didn't turn to despair by choice so I just wanted to help him and all the remnants to regain there hope.

All the foundation directors looked at me with faces of betrayal and disappointment, but one only showed amusement, Kyosuke Munakata. This pissed me off, the basterd was having fun seeing me like this and knowing I'm on my death bed. What I did next shocked everyone.

"What's so funny Munakata, laughing because someone better than you is going to be killed. I bet you are so thrilled because now you get to show your own version of hope and no one can say a thing" everyone in the crowd was shocked, I was just  deemed a dead man and I'm smack talking one of the lead members of the future foundation. And Munakata was pissed

Munakata jumped down to me and put his sword to my throat "you must really have a death wish would you like your execution to start right now" he was trying to scare me back into place but I was going to keep my head held high and speak my mind.

"Sorry to say, you my have authority but you can't decide to kill me on your own. Only the chairman can do that" I was still smirking even with his sword at my throat and he was mad.

"Why you little-"

"Enough" Tengen spoke up "Makoto Naegi for your outburst your execution will be moved to three days from now anymore out burst and it will be tomorrow"

"Yes sir"

And with that I was escorted out the room I looked over to my friends. All of them where upset at me I could see it, in all there minds i knew they were saying "you idiot why didn't you keep quiet" I saw this mostly visible on kirigiri face "why did she look so, so betrayed"


After Naegi was carried away I retreated as quickly as possible to my room. I've always had a iron mask I don't show anyone my emotions, but Naegi is different. He can brake my mask so easily its frustrating today was no different. So when I reached my room I went to my bed and silently started to cry.

Knock knock

"Kirigiri" a unknown voice said, threw the door

I proceeded to get out of bed and fix myself, I put my iron mask back on but if you look closely you can tell I was crying. Nonetheless I walk up to my door and open it and surprisingly it was Tengen.

"Do you need something sir" I said trying my best to keep a emotionless face

"Actually there is. This is a secret so know one else shall know understood" He said with clear  seriousness in his voice.

"Yes sir"

"I want you to...................."


It execution day and if I'm being honest I'm terrified. In all the time that I've been locked up none of my friends have come to see me, who can blame them I was there hope and they all believe I betrayed them, I'd be surprised if they even cried for me during the execution.

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