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Third POV

"Did-" There was a long moment of silence between the two Kirigiri patiently waiting and Naegi trying to speak with the lumb in his throat, "Did You really want to save me"

If Kirigiri had to explain why she slapped him it would take as long as it did to climb a mountain, but to sum it up she only felt one emotion at the moment. Anger. She wasn't mad at him for doing something stupid or offending her, she was upset because Naegi didn't put much value in himself, that he thought that she was being burdened by saving him. So when she started to cry Naegi was more than confused, but at the moment all he wanted to do was punch himself across the face for breaking Kirigiri's mask only to make her cry.

"Your an idiot" was all Kirigiri could manage in her current state. Naegi felt another bang of guilt for making her feel this way, "Why do you always do this" Naegi was now even more confused then before.

"Do what" as much as he didn't want to say anything in fear of making her cry even more the words just slipped out of his mouth.

"You always put yourself before others, Never thinking about yourself in the process. Why do you put so little value in yourself" she asked with pleading eyes and Naegi was left awestruck. He's never seen Kirigiri look so fragile, like if he said one thing wrong she'd shatter, so he had to choose his next words carefully

"I-" his throat seemed to dry up just trying to speak a single word but he knew she needed a awnser, "Its because I'm not special"

Kirigiri was shocked at hearing him say this. The only thoughts going threw her head now was why he felt like this he saved everyone from Junko Enoshima and the killing game he was there hope. So, Why did he think he was useless.

"Everyone has a talent. Everyone is special, but me. I'm just the one guy that got lucky. Everyone tells me that I'm there hope and that I'm the strongest, that I'm better than them and that I can save them. But, I can't. I'm not special, I'm not the hope everyone needs. The reason why I put myself in danger for others, its because they can make a change, they can fix this world for the better. While I, I'm nothing special."

Kirigiri was left awestruck by his words. She always claimed to know Naegi better than anyone else but hearing how he thought he was useless proved that she didn't know him at all, and this feeling made her angry at herself for being so selfish and not noticing this before hand, but she failed that and now. Now she only had one goal in mind, proving he was wrong.

"Naegi, earlier I said I had two reasons for saving you. Do you want to know the second reason" Naegi snapped out of his own thoughts after hearing her say that. He nodded his head a little more enthusiastically then he'd like to show. "I saved you not because someone told me to, not because I said your my hope, and not because we're friends."

Naegi was slightly heartbroken at hearing this. He was happy that she considered him a friend but not enough of a friend to protect him when he needed it but at the same time he really wanted to know the awnser now. What was so important that made her want to save him.

That awnser was quite simple to Kirigiri. She held one affection towards him that no matter what noone else could have

Kirigiri held up for the first time a big smile on her face as she said the few words that would render Naegi speechless.

"I saved you because your the most important person in the world to me. Your the one that's always gave me a reason to live, you stayed with me for me not because of my skills as a detective. Even after I threw you under the bus and you almost died you still stuck with me, and to top it all off your the only person that can remove my mask. That's why I saved you" Kirigiri said with the brightest smile that left Naegi speechless

Naegi didn't know what to say after something like that. What could he say after something like that, he spent all this time with Kirigiri and he never thought she held him in such high regards, and her smile, her smile. That alone left him gasping for air, "She should smile more often" So she succeeded on making him speechless.

"Kiri I" he tried his hardest to speak. He really did but the words he wished to speak didn't come out. Kirigiri seemed to notice.

"Let's rest here, it's already late. Goodnight" and with that Kirigiri turned her head and went to sleep

To say he was dumbfounded was a understatement. She just poured her heart out to him and he just stood there like a deer in headlights, "great job makoto. Your officially the biggest idiot"

Naegi didn't get much sleep, infact he never tried to sleep his mind was to wild with thoughts of what to do now but there was one thing he kept going back to. "NO. Your better than this if she finds out she'll kill you" he practically shouted in his head, "but If she's asleep I can kiss her. She would never kno- NO" Naegi actually slapped himself in the face for that one "she just poured her heart out to you and now you want to betray her by stealing her first kiss what is wrong with you" but after awhile he gave in.

He got up and slowly stalked over to Kirigiri not wanting to wake her. She was laying on her back so it would be pretty easy to get a kiss. Naegi slowly began to lean in, he slowly got closer an closer and was terrified that his heartbeat would wake her. They were now so close that he could feel her breath on his face, just a little more and they be kissing..................... but Naegi got control over himself and stopped, knowing that this was wrong but when he went to get up Kirigiri grabbed his hand. Naegi turned to stone, he was terrified of what Kirigiri would do to him and there was no way to try and make something up, she's to good to be fooled by that.

"Mh Stay" her words where slurred indicating that she was not conscious.

"Thank god, she's just sleep talking" Naegi relaxed knowing that he wasn't going to die today but that was short lived when she pulled him in to her and she was now huddled against him bearing her face in his chest with a soft smile. "Oh no what do I do now" he thought to himself having a small panic attack.

He tried to get out of her grip but she was just to strong and the way they were positioned didn't help him either so he just gave up, he could deal with it in the morning but for now sleep was the only think on his mind as he slowly began to drift of to sleep while at the same time rapped his arms around Kirigiri. It just felt so right, and with that Naegi fell asleep and the female he was currently cuddling with was very happy with her work. Officially getting one step closer to succeeding in her ultimate goal.

Sorry for cutting it short I just thought that was the best place to leave it off. All try and make the next chapter longer but until then.

Thank you all for reading my story and have a great day.

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