A dream come true, part 3

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Jamie POV
A warm but harsh sunlight filtered in through a large window over the sound of traffic in Jamie's apartment. He sat up and rubbed his soft brown eyes and rusty muzzle as he kicked the blankets off of the couch, yawning and stretching his mind wandered back to yesterday and the events that had played out. "Oh I do so hope he calls." Jamie thought as he stood up and moved over to a small fridge. Opening the door he started scanning over the items inside. "Let's see," he muttered to himself. "Expired, dinner, lunch, juice, soy sauce...ah milk." He reached forward and grabbed a bottle of milk with a picture of a skinny cow with large breasts, looking at the picture he snorted. "Well whatever it takes to sell I guess."shrugging he opened a small cabinet and grabbed out a bowl and a box of cereal, "well I guess that's the good part about living alone, you get to keep everything together." Pushing the thought away he quickly poured himself a bowl of cereal and started to munch on it contemplatively. "I really hope he calls today, I'm off for the first time in forever it would be a good chance to hang out." No sooner had the thought finished itself then he muttered, "should've thought about telling him that yesterday idiot, rather than running off like you did." Now saddened by the thought Jamie quickly finished off the bowl and went and set down next to the sink. "Well I might as well just hang out here, wait for him to call." He thought as he walked over to a small pile of clothes. "If he calls," he said under his breath. Looking through the pile he selected a plain black t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. He stripped off his pajama pants and put the shorts on then the t-shirt. When he finished dressing he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth, as he was brushing he turned to the mirror behind him to make sure his fur wasn't matted. Staring back at him from the mirror was a strikingly beautiful fox; his brown eyes seemed to sparkle with a hazy radiance as if he harbored some deep unknown knowledge, his red hair rusty with seemingly thousands of other hues of red thrown in, but not chaotic, just dark and vibrant, the whites on his body shown with the splendor of the first large snowfall in winter, gleaming as if producing light of its own, and then coming out of his back a large fluffy tail of magnificent splendor, the rest of the colors of his body put to shame by its pure vibrance. He smiled slightly at himself. "Hhhmm maybe I can see why the horse thought I was cute, maybe ill have a chance after all." Grinning like a madman at the thought he quickly finished brushing and ran out to the couch and sat down next to the phone. "When he calls ill be here waiting." Jamie thought, "IF he calls." He again muttered, content with waiting he quickly looked at the time, "10:30," he said happily. "I have all the time in the world."
A little over 5 hours later
Jamie sat slumped on the couch tears in the corners of his eyes with his beautiful fur matted. "If he calls...." He muttered sadly.
Xavier POV, 6 hours earlier
Xavier was woken to the sound of gunfire and loud cursing, "damnit Adam do you have to do this every weekend?" He yelled, "why yes, yes I do!" Adam yelled back. Xavier groaned and rolled over covering his head with his pillow. "Today is the day," he thought. "Today I'm going to call that fox...Jamie I should start thinking about him as Jamie not, "that fox". I'm going to call him then were gonna...." The thought seemed to stop hard in Xavier's mind. "What are we going to do?" He wondered, sitting up he put on a pair of carhart pants and tight t-shirt and slid onto the ground. "I'll go ask Adam what he thinks we should do." He thought as he moved towards the door, opened it, then stepped out into the hallway. The light from the windows in the living room practically blinded him, as he stumbled through then hallway then up to the couch. "How can you have these open and still play video games?" He asked Adam while rubbing his eyes, Adam just shrugged concentrating on the game. Xavier looked at him with one eyebrow cocked, he was able to clearly tell he was going to get no where with Adam like this. "Xbox shut down." He loudly and clearly said in the direction of the tv. The Xbox chimed in the affirmative and shut off, Adam quickly turned to him and asked "what the hell was that for?" "We got shit to discuss and you were distracted." Xavier responded. "Yah but I could've paused the game asshole!" Adam retorted, "you can't pause destiny we both know that." And with that statement Xavier finished the conversation. Adam looked down at the controller then set it down on the head of the couch behind him. "Ok what do you want to talk about?" He asked. "Well I was wondering a few things first off I was thinking since Jamie seems really shy rather than just him and I going to do something you and Georgia could join us seco-." "Woah woah woah." Adam interrupted. "Is that his name Jamie? Isn't that a girls name?" "Yes, usually, but its what he goes by and I better not hear you making fun of him." Xavier responded, "oh don't worry I won't I was just wondering." Adam said. "Ok moving back to what I was saying." Xavier said, "second I was thinking dinner, or a club. What's your opinion?" Adam mulled over his thoughts for a minute then finally answered. "Well for the first one you're right he did seen really shy, let's see if he would be more comfortable with the thought of a group of people. As for the second, dinner is for later dates, lets go out, cut loose, and just have some fun at the club." Xavier smile and nodded while listening then when Adam finished said, "that's exactly what I was thinking, we can head over to that new club The New Fursona and try that out." "Sounds good to me." Adam said, "now can I please go back to my game?" Laughing Xavier nodded and got up to go make some breakfast.
Xavier POV, later that day
Xavier sat in his room playing Destiny with Adam. He quickly looked down at his watch to check the time. "OH SHIT IT'S 3:30!" He yelled into the mic partiality deafening Adam. "Calm your tits." Adam said, "just call what's his name and set up the date...jeez." Xavier set his controller and mic down and scooted over to his bed side table...it was empty. Xavier stood still and quickly did a double then triple take looking at the table, both times though there was nothing on it. He remembered back to about 2 hours ago he had gone through and made his room look presentable...just in case. He clearly remembered sweeping all the garbage off of the table and into the trash can, which he then went and emptied in the dumpster with the rest of the trash. Sitting there seemingly reflecting on how this was the worst moment of his entire life tears started to gather in the corner of his eyes, "I lost his number..." He whispered, "Jamie is going to hate me and never want to talk to me again, I ruined it before it even started." With that thought he fell off his bed and collapsed on the ground. As he lay there tears streaming down his face he noticed a tiny piece of paper sticking out from between the table and the bed. Xavier's eyes widened and the tears stopped falling. "Could it be!?" He wondered ecstatically, reaching over he pulled out a piece of paper with the beautiful name Jamie written on top and a number underneath, and it was probably the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. Sitting up he quickly grabbed his phone and before he could even think about being nervous, or what he was even going to say he pounded in the number and listened to it ring.
Jamie POV
It was in that moment when Jamie was lying in a pit of sorrow and it seemed like everything was going wrong, that his phone began to ring.

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