A dream come true, part 6

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A dream come true part 6
Jamie POV
Jamie's mind was a haze of fog and seemingly distant memories. He awoke to a dimly lit room with out of focus objects dancing about. Groaning he started to blink and try to mentally push the fog away from his eyes. Slowly, very slowly the room stopped dancing and formed into coherent objects, the only object he couldn't seem to make focus was a seemingly black blob lying across his legs in a disheveled mass. Jamie slowly reached a hand out and poked the mass, then quickly withdrew it as he noticed it was soft and warm, it was then that it let out a groan and slightly rolled over, Jamie instantly knew what it was. "Xavier," he spoke, "Xavier are you ok?" Xavier was not ok, Jamie could see his right hand was misshapen and massively swollen, it looked incredibly painful. In addition his face was cut and looked badly bruised in places. "Why did no one help him!?" He thought angrily, his anger instantly turned to cold blood in his veins as he thought of the most logical answer. "Oh no...he probably stayed here to be with me...he didn't accept medical help to make sure I was ok..." "Oh Xavier," he said out loud. "What have you done to yourself?"
Xavier POV 10 min later
Voices were creeping their dark crippling fingers into Xavier's mind. He didn't want to wake up, he was exhausted, his lack of a dinner due to excitement then the dancing and then finally a fight, had taken all the energy from Xavier. Not only that but his body hurt, his hand especially, sleep was the only place he was safe. The voices were at it again, they dug their rotting fingers into Xavier's subconscious and brought it quicker now to the surface, the voices were angry. Finally one word broke through all barriers and brought Xavier back to the waking world. That word was, "NO!" And it was spoken by none other than Jamie.
Jamie POV
Jamie had called the doctors to help Xavier and so far they had been less than helpful. "I'm sorry," one of the doctors a prissy green poodle, snidely said, "he is asleep we can't move him and help him without consent." Jamie looked down at Xavier's immobile form, his breathing was tagged and shallow and he seemed to be sweating badly. "Just look at him, what the hell is your problem, help him!" "The doctor once more looked down at the immobile form, his face remained serene and unchanged, "I'm sorry but unless you can give consent for this man I can't do anything for him." Jamie was beyond anger at this point, this was all his fault. Xavier got hurt protecting him, he was not going to let anything happen to Xavier. "NO," he yelled at the doctor, "YOU ARE GOING TO HELP HIM!" Xavier's body suddenly moved and groaned, Jamie nearly jumped in surprise and joy. "Xavier can you hear me? Are you ok?" Xavier looked up at Jamie his eyes glazed and unfocused, "Jamie..." He whispered, "you're ok..." Jamie smile and laughed at this, "of course I'm ok, thanks to you." He responded. Another doctor stepped into the room having heard the commotion and authoritatively asked, "what is going on in here?" The rude first doctor started to answer when Jamie interrupted him and said, "this man," he gestured at the poodle, "refused to help my boyfriend because he was unconscious, he obviously needs medical help too." The new doctor, a white and light blue wolf, looked down at Xavier, surprise, concern, and then finally anger ran across his face. He looked to the poodle and angrily, but still mostly calmly said, "you leave now, I'm going to inform management of this, this horse clearly needs help." The poodle started to object but the wolf shut him off by sharply saying, "NOW" the poodle primly shut his mouth and walked away. The wolf moved down and started to look Xavier over, he grabbed a pager and sent out a quick message, then turned to Jamie. "It's going to be ok," he said soothingly, "more help is on the way he is ping to get the treatment he needs." Jamie sat rubbing Xavier's warm warm head, tears in the corners of his eyes. "Thank you, thank you so much. How can I ever repay you mr...?" Jamie trailed off and looked up at the wolf, he smiled a toothy grin and said, "just call me Kevyn." Jamie nodded then turned his attention back to Xavier, alternating between petting his head, and whispering sweet encouraging words in his ears.
Xavier POV later that evening
Xavier opened his eyes to a dark room for a second time that night, he looked down to see a beautiful fox which was sending seemingly radiant light off of his body. "Hello beautiful," he spoke to the fox. "Jamie turned and looked at him. "Hey," he softly said, "how are you?" Xavier felt numb and warm over his entire body, he looked down and noticed his right had was a giant ball of wrapping. "I feel like...warm." Xavier grinned at Jamie who seemed to be more beautiful than ever. "Thank you," Xavier said said as he eyed Jamie, "hheeeyyy jjjaasmmmiieee." Xavier slurred, "did you call me your bf when you were talking to that doctor?" Jamie blushed and looked away, "maybe I did." He whispered, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about it." Xavier smiled, "I like it, can I be your boyfriend forever?" Jamie smiled at him, "yes Xavier, anything you want." "Thank you," Xavier said as his eyes closed, then just as quickly they reopened. "Jamie, when were better can we go on another date, I want to do it right this time." Jamie gently leaned over and pet Xavier's head. " of course," he said, "you are my boyfriend." Xavier smiled and slowly closed his eyes, then dreaming of Jamie drifted off to a silent comfortable sleep.

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