Chapter 1: Amelia.

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Fair Warning: Amelia is Irish so she speaks a bit differently.

"I'm leavin'."

"Amelia, don't leave! Please!" My mum cried.

"I have ta'. T'ere's a price on me head and t'at means you 'ave one too." I explained, as I put some food and a journal in my Pop's satchel.  I added all my allowance in as well.

"Why did you have to do something so foolish? I love you to death I can't stand you leaving!" My mum begged.

"Mum, ya know why I 'ad to kill'em. T'ey killed Da." I told her.

Da died a month ago 'cause of an injury from a pistol. So I just decided to find out who did it. I found three of them. There's two left. And they're out there. And I'm hopin' to find'em.

"Amelia, please. He wouldn't of wanted this!" Mum tried to change my mind.

I walked to the corner of the large living room and took down one of our expensive paintings. Then I opened our safe and reached in and pulled out two beautiful golden revolvers.

The initials DM stood out on the side  in bright white. I remember feeling the carvings on the smooth wooden handle. A wolf carving.

"He's dead, yea? Guess he don't got'a say in 'dis." I said but immediately regretted.

My mother, who isn't Irish at all, was the most kind woman in the world. Her long black hair would shine like her gorgeous green eyes. Da was an Irish man, about as Irish as you could get. I inherited his red hair but mine was a much much darker shade. I had a mix of his blue eyes and mum's green.
My hair looked almost black but if the light hit it just right you could see the red glare.

Mum wiped a few tears from her eyes and sat down. She had her black dress on for mourning her husband.

"Amelia Murphy, I... I know I cannot stop you from leaving but please; let me give you something." She insisted.

I nodded slowly and,  as she got up to go get it, I continued to pack my things. I wore my Da's jeans and an old red shirt.

Mum came back and she handed me a small bag and an envelope.

"Don't open that until you really have to. And please... write to me. Be careful. I love you." She pulled me into a hug once I grabbed the envelope.

"O'course. What's wit' the bag?" I asked after the hug.

She handed it to me.

"Nice clothes.  Just in case. Oh and some jewelry and another thing I thought you'd like." Mum explained.

I smiled. Then she took off her wedding ring and gave it to me.

"Please don't be an outlaw all your life. Settle down... have some kids. Where can I write to you?" She asked.

I studied the diamond ring on my finger for a few moments before I told her I would find a place to stay and then write to her an address.

"Welp... better be on me way." I nodded.

She gave me one last hug before seeing me off on my Da's large white shire horse, Birdie.

Inside the bag was also a journal. I guess she wanted me to write maybe.

Well here I am. Might as well try to mark down everything I can.


I should be more careful. I managed to burn my hand, fall flat on my face, and had my foot crushed by a rock only three hours after I left.

Nightime fell so quickly I had to go the night without food. I'm... ashamed to say this, but I'm scared of the dark. I try to fall asleep before the moon rises. Silly, I know, but I have good reason!

The morning wasn't any better; I tried to make breakfast and ended up burning my food. I already felt tired and missed home.
In the bag I had one bottle of wine. I've never drank wine just whiskey and beer mostly.

Mum must've wanted me to try it.
I opened the lid and smelled it. Smelled very... odd. I decided to take a swig and I almost gagged. I slammed the lid shut and shoved it back in the bag before I packed all my shit and got on my horse.

The riding was tough. I wasn't used to being on a horse so long for so many hours and, before I knew it, my back and ass began to ache.

Eventually I saw a town in the distance. It looked unfamiliar. A sign had said Rhodes but I was skeptical... I had never been in a small town before with rough people. I lived in a wealthy family and maids and servants did everything for me. But I needed to learn how to do things for myself.


I did not make a good first impression. As I was getting off my horse to go into the store, I bumped into someone.

"Oh! Sorry, lass." I quickly apologized to the young dark skinned woman.

"It's quite alright." She smiled at me.

Her dress was beautiful! It was yellow and it fit her so nicely.

"Yer dress is quite lovely." I complimented.

"Why, thank you. Are you new 'round here?" She asked me.

"Erm... is it dat obvious?" I nervously asked.

"Well... kind of. I'm Tilly." She held her hand out.

"Ah, Amy." I took her hand and shook it.


"Amelia Murphy. I don't go by 'Amelia' too often." I explained.

"I see. That's a mighty fine lookin' ring." Tilly eyed me mum's diamond ring.

"Yea. Was me mum's." I smiled.

Tilly nodded.

"Looks expensive."

"Me family has o'lotta money." I said.

"That right? My my. You're pretty lucky, folks 'round here don't have that much money. My family don't. My pa struggles to put food on the table." Tilly said in a sad voice.

"Oh well... I could prolly' lend you some-"

"Oh would you? I was just about to work in the saloon. The last place any girl wants to work." Tilly perked up.

I nodded slowly. Something was a bit... off. But I handed her $500 and she was on her way.

Very... off.

I decided to follow her, against my better judgment.


Amelia Grace Murphy is an Irish woman that loved her parents very very much. She never was a country riding cowgirl but... maybe that'll change.

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