Chapter 3. Sean.

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I woke up to my whole body aching and sore. I had a bag over my head and my ribs would hurt whenever I breathed.

"She's stirring."

I turned my head in the direction of voices.

"You bastards.... I bet yer the type t'at always ties people up." I groaned.

The bag was yanked off of me. I shut my eyes tightly for a bit before I slowly opened them and got used to the bright sunlight.

"Didn't know Colm was hirin' women to do his dirty work." A voice said.

"Who?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at a strong man.

"Don't act like you don't know." The well dressed man slapped me across the face.

My cheek felt like fire and my eyesight started to get blurry with tears.

"I-I don't know what ya fockers want." I wheezed.

"T'is one playin' along so well, I almost believed'er."

I eyed whoever owned the Irish accent. A man with red hair and a bowler hat stood there, arms crossed, glaring at me.

"Maybe ya should believe me." I hissed.

Another slap to my face shut me up quickly. The Irish fellow walked up to me and studied me as I had done the same to him.

"What's yer name, lassie?"

"Amelia." I sneered.

"Ah 'Melia. Hm." He chuckled before he walked away.


I had to answer questions for a few hours before they finally cut me free. I learned all their names but that's about it. Except that Irish fellow's name...

"Now get. Don't come back here." Dutch warned me.

I hopped on my horse and took a deep breath in before I answered.

"Don't steal from me again then." I snorted.

Before he could retort, I clicked my tongue and Birdie started galloping away. Colm? I had heard of him once before but discarded the thought. I wander what they have against each other?

That night I made myself comfortable underneath the stars a little ways away from Rhodes. The cool air shook the trees and bushes. I remember hearing animals rush around me as they ran from predators or hurried to find food in the darkness.

I slept fairly well except for the occasional jerking awake from that stupid feeling of falling as you dreamt.

Riding Birdie around that morning was relaxing. Well it would've been except I ran into the gang members once again...

I rode along, no trouble in sight, but then I heard a chuckle behind me. Swiftly, I turned around and glared at the figure. The Irish man was there.

"What do you want?" I sneered.

"Ey, easy lassie. Just t'ought I tell you somethin'." He said.

"I don't believe I gotch'er name. I got everyone 'cept yours." I asked, which changed the subject.

"Sean McGuire. I-"

"Ya'd just willingly tell me your name? What if I was... working for someone ya didn't like?" I turned Birdie all the way around to get a better look at him.

His eyes gleamed mischief and humor. He had a nice smile and a flirty eyebrow raise.

"I can tell ya don't work for anyone dangerous. Tilly said'cha a rich gal. A rich gal t'at can't use a gun." Sean said, as he glanced at my hands.

"Maybe I do know how." I bluffed.

I knew how to shoot. I just didn't shoot that often.

"Do ya? Yer little dainty hands say otherwise." Sean got off his horse.

I got off mine and we met halfway.

I stuck out my 'dainty' hand.

"Amelia Murphy. Maybe this time we can properly meet, yeah?"

Sean studied my hand before smiling even more and gave me a firm handshake.

"Well, Amelia Murphy, I needed to tell ya to be careful around Dutch. He doesn't exactly believe ya but Art'ur convinced him you were no harm to us." Sean said.

I had let go of his hand to give a slow nod.

"I'll keep t'at in mind, Sean. Thank ya." I smiled.

He took a deep breath before he returned the nod and got back on his horse to ride away. I watched him until he turned the corner and the trees covered any sight of him.

Interesting man....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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