Chapter 2. Drunk.

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I never would've followed the lass if I knew what waited for me. But she was just suspicious at the time. She climbed into a wagon being driven by an older lady and then they were on their way.

Immediately, I hopped on Birdie and followed them a good distance away. That lady couldn't be her mother.
Tilly was a dark skinned lady and the older one... well she was white n' wrinkly.

I continued to follow a ways behind until they suddenly just turned to a path that looked old and roughed up.

"Maybe t'at's the way to her house?" I said to Birdie.

But further down the path... there were no houses. I hopped off of Birdie and followed on foot the rest of the way. I ducked down into some thick bushes and eyed the wagon. It came to a slow stop and then the ladies got off and went into the small camp.

"She... t'at lil'..." I crinkled my nose.


I sat and watched the camp for a long time, way into the night. But after a while my throat started getting dry and I was hungry.

I took another look in the camp. This time the fires were all put out and it was silent. Maybe...

Well at the time this seemed like a good idea but obviously it wasn't. It was too late to turn back 'cause I was already sneaking in the camp before I had second thoughts about doing it.

I spotted a box of beer, perhaps some moonshine as well,  near a larger wagon with a butcher's table. The only big problem was where I had decided to hide 'cause of how far away the beer was.

Since everyone had went to bed, I had a perfect plan; just crouch around the camp and hide on the end where the beer is.


Or so I thought...


I had successfully sneaked around to the camp and had stolen the whole damn box. The only problem I ran into is when I had grabbed the box I accidentally knocked over a bucket of water. Luckily no one woke up. So I could just sit and drink to quench my thirst.

I didn't want the drink to get drunk. But... as I took that first drink I started feeling sorry for myself and continued to drink.

Da was shot. Mum is worried. I haven't a place to stay. I'm drinkin' stolen beer. Those were my thoughts.

Eventually.... I fell asleep, drunk. And oh boy I wish I didn't get drunk cause there was trouble waiting for me in the morning...


I heard voices and felt my arms getting tugged on and my lip stung furiously.

"Wha...?" I blinked.

Two men were holding me up and a gun was pointed right at my nose. The man pointing the gun, who was dressed fairly well, had an extremely frustrated look on his face.

"And just who are you?" His deep voice boomed.

My normal response would've made sense. But since I was drunk as balls it made absolutely no sense. I can't remember much but I'll do my best to write out what I do remember:

"And whoooo... da fook do ya t'ink you are, buddeyyy?" I snapped.

"She's drunk." An unfamiliar voice said.

"Drrrunk? Mate, I dun t'ink ya know what'cha tolkin' 'bout.'" I rambled on.

Ya see... the more drunk I am the more Irish I speak. I'm Irish in general but me Mum helped balance out my accent so people could actually understand me. When I'm drunk I sound just like me Da... hardly understandable!

"Art'er, put'er over here." Another voice said.

"Hold on, Sean. Mrs. Morgan, can you please search her for weapons?" The well dressed man asked.

"Dun... touch me weapons, ye bastards." I remember saying to them.

Of course my weapons were stripped and then I was tied up and placed somewhere with three men looking down on me.

"Fockers." I managed to slur and that's the last thing I remember.

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