Chapter 1

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You are just got nicked his body back and it was yelling again and out  of nowhere you punch him in the face using your key blade to grab him and spin him around and slamming him on the ground shocking Juliette and her family

She did everything she could to keep you from knowing she gave you her heart and you throw it away like that it's pathetic really and she risked everything get your body back her pathetic you truly are pathetic you said.

What do you care so much ha your freak just like her Nick said getting kneed in the head.

Because I've loved her more longer than anyone ever since i met her family she's been nothing but kind to me but i was afraid that if i confessed my feelings she wouldn't care for me back so i kept them hidden i guess The Secret's out now then you said hitting him in the head we're keep late knocking him out as everyone else looks at you surprised and you walk away and you turn your key blade into a hover board and jump on.

Good bye everyone you may not see me again you said flying off lasting you heard was Juliet yelling your name.

Flashback ends

It's been a year since that day and you returned to traveling between  World's meeting up with Mickey at  The mysterious tower want you up there you see him and master yen Sid

(Y/n) Do you remember the world you were sent before you returned yen said asked.

So do why did something happen you said they both look at each other and then back at you

I'm afraid that world was sent into the darkness quite some time ago we didn't have the heart to tell you Mickey said shocking you.

Some of the people there have survived and were taken to hollow bastion we want you to go there and help them yen Sid said.

Very well master i will go you said leaving.

You are right there in your key blade armor

You look and see people you have not seen since you left one being the very girl you fell in love with juliet

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You look and see people you have not seen since you left one being the very girl you fell in love with juliet

Excuse me are you people from another dimension by chance and you asked and they look at you surprised.

I'm a key blade master i was sent by mass again said to help you you said.

Yes we were you set a key blade do you know boy named (Y/n) by chance gideon asked.

Yes i do hes a good friend though hes quite busy right now so i was sent in his place call me zero you said.

Thank you zero for helping us cordelia said.

It's a pleasure follow me you said.

They follow you as the heartless showed up you use your other keebler you would acquire from Mickey to fight them off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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