Thought you were taken!

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(Jess's P.O.V)

Wow last week was horrible! Having to deal with rouge attacks and disobedient pack members! Anyway today I'm heading over to Katja's house to see how she is.
I'm just about to knock on the door but it flys open and to my surprise Katja jumps and tackles me to the ground. "Well hi there Katja! I'm good thanks for asking! How are you?" I say sarcastically.
"I'm good too! Thanks for coming over Drake wouldn't let me leave the house until you came to see me!"
"Well I better be on my way before Blake wakes up and finds I left the pack house without him. Cya later guys!"
"Bye Alpha!" They say in unison.
"Now none of this Alpha stuff guys! Just call me Jess!"
"Sure thing Alp- I mean Jess."
"Bye Jess!" They say again in unison.
"Laters guys!"

Oh shit! It's already 9:30 Blake will be up and looking for me! Hmm I wonder if I could get away with saying Katja woke me up this morning at 7:00 telling me I had to go beat some rouge ass cause they came into my territory. I quickly mind link Katja telling her to cover for me. At first she was a bit reluctant to lie to her other Alpha but finally gave in. This is gonna be fun!
~1 hour later~
(Blake's P.O.V)
"Jess!!" I call.
"Over here Blake." She calls back to me.
"Good moon goddess! What happened to you?! I've been calling for over an hour!" I tell her.
"I'm sorry Blake." She apologizes.
"Just don't do it again! Cause next time I will have a heart attack if I wake up and can't find you in your room or in the pack house!"
"I'm so so sorry Blake, I promise I will never do it again! It was really stupid of me and I shouldn't have gone out with out coming into your room to wake you up and tell you!" She promises me.
"I'm just so relived that you are ok I honestly thought you had been taken captive by rouges!" I tell her and I can see in her face that she thinks I'm joking. She thinks I'm bloody joking! "I'm not joking ok! I honestly thought that!" She then seems to get that I'm serious and her face softens, she then runs at me and hugs the living day lights out of me.
"I know you're not joking, I was just messing with you!" That is when I realize that I'm never gonna get a girl as annoying, beautiful and energetic as Jess. She is perfect.
"Is it normal to be this worried about someone?" I ask her in a whisper.
"It is when you love that someone with all your heart and soul." she replies.
"You know me to well." I say while using my fist to rub the top of her head.
"Hey stop! You know that will mess up my hair!" She yells at me. "Boys!" She mumbles under her breathe while fixing her hair which is in a ponytail instead of the usual plait but I can hear her thanks to my werewolf hearing and she knows that perfectly well.
"Hey!" She knows I'm annoyed with her now and sprints as fast as she can to the pack house with me hot on her heels. "Why ate you so fast?!" I yell but that was my mistake. I was concentrating on what I was yelling and not what I was doing and I tripped on a bloody rock "arghh" I yell as I hit the ground, hard.
"Oh my god! Are you alright Blake?! I mean of course you're not alright you just tripped! I feel like this is all my fault I was the one that started running and you were just running to catch up!" She rambles.
"Can you stop rambling and help me up please?!" I ask slightly annoyed.
"Oh sorry, sure" she reaches her hand down to me and I take it eagerly. There are no sparks and I know that they are just for fairy tales and books but it would be nice. While I'm stuck in my own thoughts Jess pulls me into a hug. It's not a bone crushing hug but it's not like the ones she shares with her friends either. It's a nice hug in between both of them and it's perfect for this very moment. What am I doing over thinking all of this I should just be enjoying the moment. Just as I start to enjoy the moment Jess pulls away and I see her lift her head and sniff the air like she does when she smells rouges. Oh shit rouges. "Rouges?" I whisper to her. She nods her head in reply. I start contacting the pack telling them to hide in the bushes nearby while we distract the rouges and when they start coming for us then jump out and slaughter them all. Jess seemed to have the same idea since heaps more wolfs showed up in the bushes than the ones I called in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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