Male Stripper

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Salutations good eggs! I apologize for deciding to post this into Wattpad. I thought it would be funny to turn this video into a script thing... so here we go. The link to the video will be at the bottom. I tweaked a few things about it though, to fit it more to Crüe.


How Vince ACTUALLY Joined Crüe
*At The Seventh Veil*

Vince: just sit over here? K. *sits at a table by 3/4 formed Crüe*

*alarms go off in Nikki, Tommy, and Mick's heads*

Nikki: OHMIGAWD ITS A GUY STRIPPER *hits a button that says 'nut' repeatedly*

Tommy: *hyperventilating*

Vince: oh no..

Mick: I apologize for being friends with these guys.

Nikki: #1 thing not to do when you see a male stripper, is-


Nikki: did you hear him though? He's like "oh no..."

Tommy and Nikki: *cackling*

Tommy: so, uh... how long you been a guy?

Mick: do you really not know how to start a normal conversation?

Tommy: look, I'm new at this, okay?! I don't ever go outside...

Tommy: um... you got a boy that you call a friend..?

Vince: what's a boyfriend?

Mick, Nikki: *cackling*

Tommy: *excited gasp*

Mick: what was that?

Nikki: hey vince, are you related to me?

Tommy: oh nohoho!

Mick: here we go... say no. Vince say no!

Vince: I don't think so, chief

Mick, commentating: not interested

Vince: that's okay, I don't like soup.

Tommy: he don't like soup, bro!

Nikki: did you just say you don't like soup?

Vince: yeah

Nikki: I'm never hitting my nut button for you ever again.

Tommy: hey Vince, how much for you to suck my toes?

Nikki: he's just gunna leave

Mick: this is just getting weirder and weirder...

Vince: what is it with the guys at this strip club and asking to suck their toes??

Mick, Nikki and Tommy: *dying*

Vince: I only suck the toes of paying customers.

Tommy: ...

Tommy: LETS GO! *tries to get his wallet out of his pocket but it's stuck*

Nikki: did you see that guy with is fly unzipped?

Tommy: *finally gets his wallet out* COME SUCK MY TOES

Mick: Vince this is your chance to leave, take your dignity and go!

Vince: alright, where are these toes that I'm sucking?

Tommy: *thumbs up towards Nikki and Mick*

Nikki: *discreetly pays Vince to give him a lap dance*

Vince: *starts dancing on Nikki*

Tommy: speaking of toes, Vince

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