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Felix POV

As I walked sluggishly to my apartment I opened the door, dropped my book bag on the nearest chair I  could find and plopped myself on my bed. College was no joke and I barely had time to take a break. As I laid in my bed all the stress I had came rushing in and tears were eventually flowing down my cheeks.
I put a smile on my face and wiped all the tears away as I told myself that everything will pay off in the end and that I just had to push on a little longer.
I looked at my phone and I saw that it was a little past midnight so I decided to take a little walk around the park to distract my mind for a little. I'm heading down my apartment through the elevator since I like on the 5th floor and I came across a guy who was fairly handsome and very stylish. He had black hair and his outfit consisted of mostly black. He also had a beauty mark under his right eye which made him more beautiful. We both took the elevator to the 1st floor and I was staring at him for too long that I think it annoyed him.

???: Do you have a problem?

Felix: oh I'm sorry it's just that I have.    never seen someone so handsome like you before.... I'm very sorry

???: *blushes* oh umm...  just don't stare too long or you might fall for me.

As he said that I got flustered and looked at the floor. Silence filled the elevator which became awkward between the two of us. Then I decide to speak to break the silence.

Felix: So... do you live around here?

???: No I just come often since my boyfriend lives here

Felix: Oh I see... Well my names Lee Felix nice to meet you...

I extended my hand and a couple of seconds went by. Thinking that he wasn't gonna shake my hand I started to let my hand fall, and then he grabbed it and shook it.

???: Hello my names Hwang Hyunjin.. I'm sorry I'm just wary of strangers.

Felix: It's alright don't worry about it.

As we shook hands the elevator had finally reached the bottom and the doors opened.

Felix: Well it was nice to meet you hope we can be friends in the future.

Hyunjin: Yeah same it was nice to meet you.

As we said our farewell we both parted ways and I started walking towards the park which was about a five minute walk from here. I was walking to the park when I noticed there was a full moon out tonight which made me smile and instantly lifted up my mood.
I had finally arrived at the park and was looking for s good spot where I could see the beautiful view of the moon.
As I walked to a perfect spot I noticed there was someone there aswell. I could depict his features since he was wearing a black hoodie. I got closer to him and he noticed my presence. He looked up and was getting ready to leave. I panicked and told him he could stay there, I didnt want to disturb his peace so I started to back off and walk a different direction.

???: you can come here if you want it doesn't bother me....

Felix: Um.. thank you...

I started to walk back and say a couple of feet away from him. Curiosity got to me and once again I was staring at him unknowingly. Honestly felix get a hold of yourself you can't stare at everyone like that.

???: Beautiful moon out tonight isn't it?

I snapped into reality and got flustered.

Felix: Oh umm.. yeah it really is beautiful tonight.

???: do you come here often?

Felix: I try to but I usually come to take walks during the day since I'm not too fond of the dark, but since the moon illuminated alot tonight I decided to come. Do you come here everyday?

???: I try to, but my work sometimes stops me from coming. Usually I come with my brother but he has stopped coming with me since he isn't as intrigued about the moon as I am.

Felix: oh I see... well my names Felix nice to meet you.

???:hello nice to meet you Felix my names Chan. Just don't tell anyone you saw me alright?

Felix: Alright dont worry about it I won't tell anyone.

We both were in silence and stared at the moon for a while. Until we heard leaves break behind us.
Chan got up quickly and got infront of me in full protective mode. We looked and Chan seemed to have been familiar with this person since he let his guard down.

Chan: I told you not to follow me Changbin

Changbin: But Chan your brother told me to look after you and when I saw someone with you I thought he was dangerous.

Chan: If he was dangerous changbin then I would have left sooner.

I looked at them talking to each other for a couple of minutes until Changbin gave me a stare. All of a sudden he pinned me down to the ground and started to ask me alot of questions which flustered me.

Changbin: who are you? Who sent you here? Which clan do you belong to?

I didnt know what he was talking about started to push him off in anger. How dare he pin me down to the ground and start asking me all these questions. I got up clearly angry and told him to back off.

Felix: Listen here Changbin I have no idea what you are fucking talking about and I warn you to not tackle me to the ground again!

Changbin: *smirking* I see you chose a feisty one here Chan.

Chan: I didn't choose anyone Changbin he just happened to come here to look at the moon aswell.

Changbin: If you say so...

Chan: Felix I'm very sorry about Changbin it wount happen ever again I promise.

Felix: Its alright Chan thank you for apologizing I just got flustered.

Chan: I understand I'm very sorry ones again.

We talked for a bit more and soon I realized it was late so I said my farewells to Chan and Changbin. We both soon parted ways and I was heading home. I really wanted to see Chan again so I made it my routine to go to the park at night which was a challenge for me since honestly not fond of walking out at night.

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