Chapter Six

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You woke up doing your normal routine. Wake up at 5 am, do a couple of miles around the neighborhood, come home, take a shower, and do your hair. Outfit was usually laid out the night before so it was easier in the early morning. Go down stairs, make your cup of coffee, and have a light breakfast if time allowed. Then head on to work. Getting in about 7:30 am, and greeting Walter at the door as usual.

You got to your office proud that you were able to distract yourself last night and get a majority of your work done for today. There was even a chance of you heading home early, and giving yourself a relaxing night for the first time in months.

Everything was just now starting to calm down and flow just right to where a lay low kinda night was acceptable.

"Hey, Claire?" you asked, pushing the phone button to get through to the front desk.

"Yes, ma'am?" she responded quickly.

"What do you say we call it an early day around 2 this afternoon? I have a few more cases to go over, and then I think we can give ourselves an early start to the weekend," you smiled.

"Are you sure? Not that I'm complaining, but I feel like you have a ton to do."

"List off what I have scheduled," you said, leaning back in your chair.

"Ok, review case file number C104R?"

"Done last night."

"Email the Langston Business about collaborating on a new project that is still being discussed?"

"Done last night as well."

"Complete the files for HR over the interns that you are interested in?"

"Did it earlier this morning when I came in."

"And lastly, the meeting with the interns to do a mid-assessment talk with how everything is going?"

"I can get that done before 2," you smiled, proud that you were so on top of things.

"Wow, I mean that was a lot, but I thought there was even more. You somehow managed to get it all out of the way without me even knowing," she laughed an airy breath, shocked at your speed.

"It's a man's world out there still, and you have to show them that women can get things done 10x faster and better. It's all about the work ethic," you laughed. "Go ahead and move that meeting up to 1, and then after that we should be clear for the rest of the day."

"Yes ma'am, right on it," she smiled.

"Claire?" you said quickly before she could hang up the phone. "Call me Rose or Rosalyn. I am only about 4 years older than you. I'm not some old cranky boss that thinks she's better than you just because of my title."

"Yes ma'am- I mean. Yes, Rosalyn." You could hear her smile on the other end. "I'll get that switched for you." Then she hung up.
As expected the day went on faster due to how much you were able to get out of the way the night before.

You were just wrapping up your meeting with the interns that weren't but 5-6 years younger than you, but the way you presented yourself, they always had a respect for you. You could say you have an old soul, or just experience in this area.

You were saying goodbye and answering a few questions that a few interns stayed behind to ask, when Claire peaked her head in the doorway careful not to get hit by the exiting students.

"Um, Miss. Ember?" she asked almost timidly.

You looked up from the women you were talking to and raised a finger to tell her to hold one second while you wrapped up.

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