Chapter Eleven

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"Steve," you said more as a statement than a question.

"Hey, um- Hi," he said sweetly, but clearly nervous. He was wearing a white shirt that was incredibly tight on his built body, and a brown leather jacket. His jeans were casual just like the baseball cap and sunglasses that he was probably using as a disguise. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I-uh I just wanted to come check up on you."

"Check up?" you smiled looking him up and down as you held onto the door still even though it was wide open.

"Well, I've been trying to get a hold of you for that past week, and you always seem busy, so..." he dragged out.

"Tony gave you my address?" you asked popping a hip out just slightly, but making him grin nonetheless.

"Something like that," he laughed. He looked around him. You could see the nerves he had of possibly getting spotted.

"Come on in Rogers. You can tell me all about how you're stalking me, inside," you laughed moving out of the way.

He looked back at you and grabbed his sunglasses folding them in his hand.

"I wouldn't say stalking," he played along.

"That's exactly what a stalkers would say," you chuckled motioning in. "Now come in before someone spots you, and I have a flock of camera men on my lawn."

"Right," he laughed with you as he took two giant steps in before being in the middle of your entrance and living room.

"You can put your 'disguise'," you said in air quotes. "On the table right there. There's a coat hanger on the right if you want to hang your jacket up too," you said pointing before walking back to the kitchen sure that he would follow after he got situated.

You went straight for the tea kettle to make some tea, but then you hesitated on making coffee instead because you weren't sure Cap was really a tea kind of person.

In your daydream of trying to choose tea or coffee, and also trying to figure out why Steve was there, you didn't realize him coming in the kitchen.

"You making something?" he asked.

You quickly turned around and placed your hands on the edge of the counter.

"Uh, yeah. Soup, but I was going to make some tea or coffee. Have a preference?" you asked with a kind smile.

"I'll take whatever you want. I'm not picky," he shrugged with that damn gorgeous grin on his face as he went to sit at one of the barstools at the adjacent counter of you.

"Well, I'm feeling like coffee," you smiled back moving to the pot. "Do you like yours any special way?"

"Black is fine," he said with your back to him.

You take out the grounded up beans and put them in the coffee filter before turning it on making sure it's working. When you hear it wiring and warming up, you turn back to see Steve watching you and giving you the goofiest boyish grin.

You blush at it before grabbing two mugs and placing them beside the pot and walking over to him on the other side of the kitchen counter.

"You know, I've never seen you in anything other than business clothes. This," he motioned to your jeans and sweater. "This is a change of pace."

You looked down and laughed. "Well, you caught me right after the grocery store. If you were here any earlier I would have been in pajama shorts still."

You could see his eyes shift and try to imagine you in them making another grin appeared. You brought the attention back to the question at hand wanting to direct the conversation away from your clothing choice.

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