Chapter 9

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if re written this eight times- I don't care anymore if it's too dramatic or it's stupid. Keep your rude opinions to yourself or else I'm probably not gonna update for a while.

uh if you hate gore maybe skip this chapter also it's sad-

Also also cringe and dumbness


"Poppy!" Branch looked up excitedly. They were finally going home!

The Troll who saved them tilted her head. "Who?" She pushed her magenta hair from her face, revealing her skin to be yellow, scratched up, and muddy.

Branch looked embarrassed and disappointed at the same time. "Thought you were someone else."

"That's nice." She rolled her eyes. "Get our of here! I'll get rid of this cat." She kicked the cat in the jaw.

Biggie stayed to watch, of course until Branch pushed up.

Branch rushed Biggie ahead of him, and glanced back often to make sure the Troll that rescued them was okay.

Another Troll- a sea foam green colored male with black glasses and lighter blue hair pulled them back behind a tree. "Are you two okay?"

Biggie thought for a moment and nodded, lying. "I'm fine, but he broke his arm."

Branch shook his head and lied too. "I'm perfectly fine, he's bleeding to death!"

"I'm fine!" Biggie assured.

"I'm even" Branch argued back, now making up words.

Now at the same time they shouted, "I'm fine, he's the one that needs medical attention."

The male Troll raised his eyebrow. "So which one of you need help?"

"He does." They pointed at each other.

They looked at each other, then together again pointed at the other. "He does."

They groaned in frustration and laughed a little.

The green troll didn't seem to be amused by their antics. "Well, either make up your mind or I'm examining you both."

"You." Biggie pointed.

"You." Branch pointed.

Something soft rolled over Branch's toes and answered the question for them, "O HAVOHAOVAVLUAVAVUUAVVIABAIA."

"I guess examining us both at the same time could work to-" Branch understood what the noise was saying and responded before looking at the speaker. "CRITZ!"

The ash covered critter bounced on to his shoulder and purred.

"I thought you burned to death!" Branch nuzzled him.

The green Troll held his hand out and Critz hopped on. "He is a firefluff (I don't know if I already explained what he is- that's what he is now-) they can burn and survive. It's what they're made to do. This little guy helped me and my wife survive our first few nights out here."

Biggie leaned over to look past the tree and watched the yellow Troll attack the hostile cat. "OH MY GOODNESS!That's Queen Rose!"

"She is, she came out here years ago and we eventually found her and then found her daughter. She's Rose, you'll later meet her daughter Mandy, and my wife Verdana. My name is Acorn."

( I should've made Verdana's name Rose instead and then name Acorn Dan. They could have a son named Wesley who kind of glows. But that's not good so I suppose I should let it go. )

Branch listened to the names, especially Verdana and Acorn. They stood out to him and rung a bell, but he couldn't think of where they came from.

( A/N - I just learned Verdana is a font on Google and now I'm using it for everything- )

"I'm Biggie and he's Branch." Biggie introduced them.

"We're from Troll Village. We got lost out here after the storm." Branch added, staring at the grass, with something else in mind.

As Acorn went to respond sympathetically, a yellow blur flew past his head and hit Biggie.

"AAAAAH- ow-" Rose screamed up until her bum hit the ground. "That cat is cray cray." Rose dusted herself off and limped away to fight again.

"Rose you're injured! Let someone else fight." Acorn took her hand and sat her next to Biggie.

Biggie was laying on the ground groaning, and covering his scratch which was bleeding more than it was before. "It hurts.."

Branch quickly came over to him and massaged him, hoping to relax him. "Don't panic! That will make it worse! Just calm down!"

Biggie whimpered and nodded.

"This might hurt a little." He quickly pressed his hands against the wound and applied a lot of pressure.

Biggie bit his lip to avoid shouting from the discomfort, and turned his head to watch Branch.

"Branch, how 'bout I help him and you try to get the cat to retreat?"

( Acorn said that- I just couldn't find a way to say he asked it without just saying 'Acorn asked- )

"Ummm... I guess.." Branch didn't want to, but agreed.

He looked from behind a tree and tried to figure out what would scare it off.

"Uh.. oOooooooOooooooOooooohhhh-" Branch made ghost sounds.

"Wow, how terrifying." Rose rolled her eyes and stood behind him.

She cleared her throat and made a terrifyingly accurate lion roar that echoed through the forest.


"What the Troll was that?" Creek turned to Archer and asked.

"A predator going to maim you." Archer joked and elbowed him.

"Not funny." 


The cat shrieked like a girl and ran away.

"How did- you just- you- the-" Branch was shOoketH.

"teeheehee" Rose giggled skipped away, her leg apparently healed.

"Woah.." Biggie's eyes sparkled. "You're so talented Queen Rose!"

"I know I am :)"


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