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[italics = english]

“This is it,” Mark sighs contently, taking in their new living pace.

“This is it,” Lily repeated.

“We should watch a movie.”

Mark removed his shoes and outer coat, stepping further into their small home. Lily called after him as he made his way towards the tv.

“We just got here and you wanna go straight to the couch?” she lectured, hands resting on her hips. “We could be unpacking the clothes that we brought with us. Or better yet, we could cook something and greet the neighbors.”

“I’d rather stay here with you,” he replied, grinning widely for a moment before curling his body in embarrassment.

Lily let out a slight chuckle as she passed him, dragging her suitcase along behind her. “Mark that’s so gross,” she cringed.

“I know, sorry,” he laughed.

The two continued about their day, doing different things in separate areas of the house. Eventually, after finishing a few movies, Mark unpacked his clothes and went to the nearest food market with Lily.

They initially had bought enough ingredients to make food for themselves and a few neighbors, but each household they invited declined their offer. Each coming up with a believable excuse.

Even though no one could come, the couple still cooked dinner with each other. Mark attempted to help many times, but Lily told him he can do the dishes afterwards. She said she “doesn’t want to risk food poisoning”, or that he “might try to use scissors again”, which she wasn’t completely exaggerating about.

They ate dinner together in the living while watching movies just as they usually did at their previous apartment. Talking about their future together as they usually did. Falling asleep in front of the tv as they usually did. Sleeping in each other’s arms as they usually did. Ready to continue the rest of their lives together in the new place.

Sorry it took so long to finish this! I was not planning on getting locked out I swear😔🤚

his mind ♡ mark lee ✓ Where stories live. Discover now