Chapter 14
I was shocked to see my queen's sister in a sleep-like state inside the crystal. I had no idea when she put her in here or even when she had found her.
"When did you find her? You only got your memory back recently," I questioned staring at the fiery head girl who looked no older than Kyle had been before we had found out who he was.
"Sometime last year. I had no idea who she was but I couldn't leave her there. She was silently sleeping in a small cave off to the side of one of the numbers houses. It's no wonder that the boy became one considering her power was radiating off of her in waves. It affected everything around her. The walls had been turned into a jungle for her protection. Luckily, it recognized me so I didn't have to fight my way through. After all, most cards are made by our power anyway. You're a mixture between a Card and Arvian after all. Making you both, natural power exposed to ours only to transform into something unnatural. Arvians have been here as long as the earth has rotated on its axis but we're all doomed to be killed by our children and love only those with the same blood as us. I'm lucky because you have our blood but Cai...I've never seen my brother as excited as he was when he 'found' Shelia. My brother honestly had no one else to care for except for us, and Lucy was already sleeping away," she replied laying a hand gently on the clear stone. She gave it a soft pat before she leaped up in the air and hovered before the girl's face.
"Lucy! Lucy cee, It's time to come out. Father's dead so there's not need to worry. I'm here and so is Cai! Come on! Come play with us again," she pleaded and waited for an answer as she rubbed the stone as if to erode it enough to break her sister out of her sleep.
"You found Lucy?" a voice shook in awe behind me and she grinned at her older brother who had been angry at him only minutes before. Seeing her sister again apparently had a calming effect on the queen as she
"Of course! It's it amazing! She hasn't aged a day since she sealed herself off from the world," she replied tapping the casing lightly. The Master rose up behind her and carefully laid his hand next to Mina's.
"Lucy cee, Jule lee is here with me and we need to come out. I did a bad thing Lucy and I need your help to fix it. Please Lucy cee? I'm...sorry for not being able to help you when you needed it most with father and I regret not being able to save you. Jule lee doesn't know what happened to you. As soon as father tried to make her your replacement, she threw him into the middle of the earth to burn alive. So please Lucy, please help us," his voice trailed off as he let his head fall against the suddenly quivering stone knowing that if she chose to answer, she would do it now and more than likely never come out again if she was left alone.
Slowly but enough so that all of us knew what was happening, the stone melted away to reveal the girl's head and then her torso running down into the floor hardening against its surface as she floated in front of them. Her large aquamarine eyes gazed hurriedly around before they settled on me. Unable to contain her terror, she hurled herself into the Gardener's arms before starting to cry. Deeply disturbed by this display, Mina turned to examine me before she blinked.
"Lucy what are you crying over? He doesn't look a thing like Dad did," she frowned at her older sister and she glanced over at me. Containing her terror, she thoroughly interrogated my presence and even went as far as to seek out my mind. Opening up to her, I watched as her eyes widened and she shifted her stare to Mina.
"He really loves you," she murmured softer than the wind's breeze on trees. Giving her a large smile, I bowed to her. As I straightened up, my smile vanished and I waited calmly for any instructions my queen might have for me for the wakening of her older sister. Deep in my mind, she continued to search me over before she found the memories I had tried to lock away. They came back to me as she tore them up into the conscious part of my thoughts, rape, murder, torture by the hands of the Master, love for a girl who was taken away from me so quickly and on and on.