Chapter 1

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Alois was walking around town with Claude. Just then he saw a girl through the glass of a doll shop. This isn't the first time he saw her. He's seen her various times from going on task for the queen to just visiting the town.

Alois had been thinking about talking to her, but never had the guts to do so. That and she would suddenly disappear in thin air. She would be there one minute and the next she's suddenly across the street, already far from his reach.

Claude looked down at his 'meal'. "Your Highness, is there a probl---See that girl over there Claude."

The Demon looked up and saw the girl staring at them. "I want you to bring her to me. I've seen her pop up a lot lately. Maybe we can chat over tea!"

The girl waved at Alois and he looked at her surprised. When he waved back she walked out the store and walked in their direction. The blonde's eyes lit up as she got closer but once she passed him, they dulled. She, instead, went to an alleyway behind them with a smile.

The Trancy duo went over with confused faces and spotted the girl petting a cat. "ISNT IT PRETTY!!! IM CRYIN'!!!" She had tears going down her cheeks as she pet the small cat.

The blonde stared down at the girl in shock while his Butler had a stone face but amusement was seen in his eyes. The girl wiped her face "Sorry, I do that when I see cute pets..." She walked up to the duo with a bold smile and held out her hand. "Yo! My name's Cheyenne!"

Alois blinked for awhile and then shook her hand which seemed to make her smile grow bigger. "My name's Alois Trancy! The Queen's Spider to be exact!" The brown skinned girl rolled her eyes at his bragging. She looked up at the golden eyed Butler. "And you my dear sir?" The man simply fixed his glasses "Claude Faustus, Butler of the Trancy Estate."

"Anywho~" Alois stood up straight "It seems weve seen each other before haven't we?" Cheyenne nodded. "Its like wherever I go"

"You're there too"

The two looked at each other, as they both had said the same thing, and laughed. "I should tell you the problem though" Alois titled his head a bit "Problem? What problem?" Cheyenne nervously laughed and threaded her fingers together "It's werid, trust me. Basically, I'm not...From here..."

Alois crossed his arms. "Of course not, you dont have an accent and I can tell you dont have any money since there is a price tag on that dress..."

Cheyenne looked down at the dress she was wearing. 'He's not wrong..' She then deadpan 'Damn. I thought I got it off last night'

Cheyenne was stuck there last night since she had dirtied up her clothes that she arrived in and took matters into her own hands. Plus, they didn't really have security systems in this time period, she took the dress and the gloves, making it seem like a robbery.

Ya gotta cause some damage, y'know?

"So who are you? A thief? A prostitute?"

Cheyenne bucked her head at the last one. "Trust me Trancy, I'm anything but a prostitute. And your not completely wrong but...What I'm saying is that I'm not from your world."

Alois scoffed. "What type of foolery is this? I dont have time for this. Claude." The blonde flicked his wrist in the girls direction and the Demon behind him nodded. Claude walked up to the girl and reached into his pocket as a sliver of gold flashed in the light.

Cheyenne held here hands up and backed away. "WAIT WAIT!! I KNOW THAT CLAUDE'S A DEMON AND YOURE CONTRACTED TO HIM!" Although she screamed it, she tried to not say it too loud for people passing.

The two before her stopped and for once Claude was showing an emotion. Alois walked up to the girl with anger all on his face. "And how did you know that!?" Cheyenne put her hands down. "I told you, its complicated." Alois glared at the brown eyed girl and then glanced at Claude. "Take her to the carriage..."

She backed up some but sadly, Claude acted fast as he knocked a point on her neck and held her on his arm as she blacked out.


Cheyenne slowly opened her eyes as the smell of wax came in her senses. Her face scrunched up and she looked around to find herself in a larger living room?

Echoing footsteps forced her to turn only to find Claude coming her way. He nudged his glasses "His Highness would like to speak with you" She nodded and got up, following the Butler out the door.

If you read the previous story that was on here...Sorry😅 I changed the WHOLE thing..

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