Chapter 26

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"There has been a few reports of Woman being brutally beaten and murdered in the streets. The only thing they all have in common are their eye color. Their about the same color as yours.."

Her chestnut brown eyes looked at the pictures in....Amazement, actually. She liked mysteries, it was a favorite of her's. The chills she felt, the addiction to wanting to know more. The gore in the pictures. It was like a whole new adventure.

Hail, Scooby Doo-

"Hm...So, they take them out? That's both odd and cool.." Ciel scrunched his face up "Has anyone told you that you're...--I like the word, different. Amen" Ciel lift a brow "Are you Christian?" The girl nodded "I think so. In my family, it's kinda like a force to be so"

Humming came from behind them. Cheyenne glanced back as Sebastian walked over with a smile and sat down their snacks, humming a song. Taking a chance to listen, she immediately knew what it was.

"Ooooh, mah Gawd.."

She laugehd while Ciel glared at the ravenette "Sebastian. Stop fooling around and get to work" Cheyenne covered her mouth as another laugh almost passed through. The Butler nodded "My apologies, Young Master" Ciel shook his head and looked to Cheyenne "Tell us something about your world or the pictures. It may help" Cheyenne hummed and looked up "Ight. Judging by the pictures, its obvious whoever's doin' this doesn't mind getting their hands dirty, figuratively and literally. Seeing the notes, there has been no weapons used during this so the perosn must've used their hands. I would say Male but, seeing as some things liek to take a sudden turn, I cant completely say that. It's brutal. Like, damn, the way of how smashed and scratched their faces look is fuckin' terrible. The eyes are werid, makes me wonder why they took them..." She stared at the picture a little longer till she sat it back down on the desk, looking up to Ciel and Sebastian.

The two were staring right at her as if they were asking for more. Cheyenne sat back in her chair "What?" Ciel took the picture back "You easily identified a few factors that could be useful. Did you take a class?" Cheyenne laughed "Phantomhive, back in my day, we investigated shit for fun. We ain't had nothin' better do so, watching Scoopy Doo, makin' mysteries to solve ourselves, my Grandparents watchin' NCIS" She shrugged "You just learn things by heart after awhile" Ciel hummed and threaded his finegrs together, sitting his elbows on the desk "Since there is a chance you are connected to this, tell me something about you. Something that connects to this place"

Cheyenne hummed and squinted her eyes in thought "Well, I can tell you one thing that I dont like" The main characters perked up in curiosity.

"Ok, so, in my world, if you do even the smallest thing that is similar to someone in this fandom, you're immediately trying to act like 'em. Like, if you shoot guns, you're trying to be Mey-Rin. If you drink Earl Grey, you're trying to be like Ciel. If you use swords, you're trying to be---" Cheyenne stopped herself and skipped over "What I'm basically sayin' is, that the shit's annoying. Just cause I do something like someone from there, doesn't mean I wanna be like 'em"

Ciel narrowed his eye, she skipped for a reason "Aside from that, I have an Alois plush that I cherish dearly" Ciel scoffed and rolled his eyes while Cheyenne flipped him off "Screw you. I actually have a cover named Ciel too. It's so fluffy~"

Ciel glanced at her "With my name?" Cheyenne nodded "Yeah, it has your hair color and it fit perfectly" Ciel gave her a bored stare "You can't name inanimate objects"

"Well, I already did. Too fucking well"

The two stared at each other, one in mockery and one in annoyance while Sebastian sighed.


Cheyenne sat in her room, drawing and watching Spongebob on her Phone.

The old episodes of course, not the new ones.

A knock came to her door "Miss Gilmore?" She grumbled at the voice on the other side "Yes, Sebs?" The Butler opened the door and walked in. He soon went to her and stood next to the short girl.
"...Do you need something?"

Sebastian looked down to her Phone and she sighed "Is that why you tried to steal it this mornin'?" Before he could vouch for himself, she pat the spot next to her and put the earbuds in his ear, deciding which Chris Brown song to play. While choosing 'Back To Sleep', she looked back at Sebastian, looking him over. Sebastian saw this and smirked "My Lady, my eyes are up he---"

"Y'know. It's werid to see you sit"

She saw his frozen face and laughed. Sebastian rolled his eyes and decided to listen to the song instead.

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