Chapter 21

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Cheyenne looked at the shops they had passed while Phipps was focused on the Steven Universe episode infront of him. They were a bit late and it was dark. The Queen requested for them to get there earlier than this but traffic rolled in. She thought back to how gloomy everyone looked, the bandages on Alois's body, the looks of relief she received when she came to the Trancy Manor.

Her brown eyes down casted as she looked down 'They all seemed so worried...' A brown object caught her eye. She looked up and saw a brown teddy bear sitting in the window. She stared at the little stuffed animal til a smile broke out on her face. 'Let's turn those frowns upside. Ha!' She smirked at her thought 'I love myself'


The Butler paused the screen and glanced up at her "Yes?" Cheyenne threw her arms up "I wanna get something to make them feel better!" Phipps gave her the same blank stare. He sighed "The Queen wants you back as soon as possible. We're already delayed" Cheyenne slumped and sat back down, looking out the window "Alright"

Back in her world, she was always told to respect others especially their opinions. Especially, her Elders and Superiors. The Queen wants her back, end of story. She was told to follow rules and if she didnt, shit would happen. Going back to her bored state, she watched from their sitting spot as the bear seemingly stared back at her. Maybe she can go another time, maybe next time the stuff would be better. You know like restocking.

The albino stared at the girl across form him. She looked dull and emotionless. He looked to where she was staring and then back at her. The Queen wants them back but...

Cheyenne yawned and laid her body back on the cushions. She closed her eyes to rest them.

An air shift came to her senses. Cheyenne's face scrunched up at the feeling til the carriage jerked forward and moved a little, stopping by the street. She opened her eyes at the sound of a squeak. Phipps held the door open as he waited for her.

"Hurry, now. Were on a tight schedule after all"

Her face broke out into a grin. Phipps grunted as the girl jumped out of the carriage and hugged his body. "THANK YOU, PHIPPS! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE DOING THIS!" The tall Butler wobbled a bit as he tried to steady them both. Cheyenne was latched onto his being, not even trying to let go.

"Shall we be on our way?"

The brown skinned shorty jumped down and eagerly nodded "C'mon! It's down here!" She dragged him down the concrete sidewalk to the store. She was so happy that he let her do this! Usually, her parents would just say no and keep kickin'.

Cheyenne pushed the door open and looked around the room till she saw the bear. The girl went over to it and lift it up. "Is this all you want?" Cheyenne nodded but then stopped.

Then she nodded again. Then she stopped.

"Dammit, Phipps. You're making me overthink things.." She put the bear under her arm and went over to a shelf. She tired to reach for them but, knowing how incredibly short she is, she decided not to and asked Phipps to get it instead. "These three cats?" Cheyenne nodded "Yup, the purple ones" Phipps got the three down while Cehyenne picked up a pretty stuffed purple rose.

She hummed and looked around yet again. She was missing one more thing...

"There it is..."

She stalked over to the stuffed black spider. It wasn't as big as the bear but none of them was large, at least to where you can hold them. "That's all, let's go.."


"18.87 Pounds, please"

Cheyenne looked up in thought as Phipps payed 'How much is that in America? Bruh, I need to catch up, honestly'

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