Chapter 5

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Shinso's POV~

I was nearly dragged out of my room by Toga. Izuku was left completely confused on my bed, thankfully still chained with quirk canceling cuffs. "Jesus woman, calm down." I said, while she ignored me and dragged me down one hall, then another, and down the stairs.

"Shiga! Shiga, guess what Shinso did! You'll never believe it!" She exclaimed, rushing into the main room where Shigaraki and Dabi where talking. I never liked either of them much, or Toga for that matter. I don't really like anyone much if I'm being completely honest.

"What the fuck did the emo do this time?" Dabi asked in an annoyed tone. Yeah, he didn't like me much. None of them did. They didn't like each other either. We all kind of just hate people, and the world in general. It's not a family, just a job.

"Says the one wearing eyeliner." I scoffed. I really hated Dabi. I can stand the other ones, but something about this guy just erked me to no end.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" He asked, one of his hands igniting into flames.

I smirked and backed up a little. "Aw, is someone still not over the MCR break up?" I asked back, knowing exactly what I was doing.

"You little-" And just like that, he fell for it. He always does. I couldn't believe he hadn't learned yet.

"Now sit." I said, my smirk growing. He immediately sat down where he was standing. "Roll over." He once again did as I said. "Good dog." Then I let him go, knowing Shigaraki would get pissed if I mess with him for too long.

"I'm gonna fucking fry you!" Hot topic said, getting off the ground and jumping at me. Before he could do any damage, Shigaraki told him to stop.

"Now, what the fuck did you have to tell me Toga?" The blue haired man asked, turning towards the psychotic blonde.

Toga smiled like a maniac and I knew I was done for. "Shinso was in bed with the UA kid!" She shouted.

I turned bright red at the way she said it. "For fucks sakes it's not like that. You guys are making me keep him in my room and I wanted to sleep in my own goddamn bed. We literally just slept!" I said, completely annoyed with all of them.

Toga gave me a suspicious look. "That's not what it looked like when I walked in on you two this morning. Like I said earlier, you looked awfully cozy."

I was about to argue with her more, but Shigaraki cut me off. "Have you befriended him?" He asked me.

I looked at the ground, feeling like a child getting scolded for stealing candy. "Kind of, the kid just wouldn't shut up and we ended up kind of playing video games last night." I muttered angrily.

"Fuck, great job!" Shigaraki exclaimed in, and actually sounded happy. I snapped my head up to him in confusion, the other two people in the room were just as confused. "You're all idiots," He muttered at our confused faces, "If he's friends with someone in the league, it's just that much easier to recruit him." He explained, as all of us finally started to understand his thought process. "So become his best friend, date him if you have to, just get him on our side." He walked out of the room, not bothering with a second glance. The other two trailed after him like lost puppies. I just stayed in my spot, turning red as I processed what he had actually said.

I made my way back to my room, still lost in thought. 'They want me to get as close as possible to manipulate the poor kid. Can I really do that?'

Izuku's POV~

I wasn't able to follow after the two as they left the room, obviously, but I was worried. It sounded like Shinso was going to get in trouble for what I made him do. I was left on my own for probably fifteen minutes, before Shinso was back. As soon as he came in the room, I sat right up on my knees and moved to the end of the bed, as far as the cuffs would allow me. "What happened? You didn't get in trouble, right?" I asked, already feeling guilty.

He seemed to snap out of his thoughts at my voice. "Hm? Oh, no I'm not in trouble. Toga tried, but Shigaraki... he didn't care that I'm kind of friends with you." He said with a shrug.

I let out a sigh of relief. I did a double take as I realize what he said. "We're friends?" I asked him excitedly.

He seemed to sigh in annoyance, but he was smiling. Openly smiling. "Yeah shorty, I guess we are." He said, moving to sit at the end of the bed.

I smiled a blinding smile and decided to push my luck. "If we're friends now, can you take the cuffs off? They rub on my ankles and it's starting to hurt." I whined. I wasn't lying either, I had a red ring on each of my ankles to prove it.

I saw a genuine flash of guilt cross his face and I actually thought I'd done it, only for a second though. "I can't do that Izu. The cuffs are quirk canceling. If I took them off, you'd probably be able to over power us with your pinky finger." He said, joking at the end to try and lighten the mood.

I looked up at him with a pout. I started to tear up a bit, I figured he already had a soft spot for me, might as well exploit it and see how much I could get away with. "Don't look at me like that." He groaned, looking up at the ceiling. I kept pouting until he looked down again and sighed.

He got up and walked out of the room. I was actually worried I'd pushed him to far and he was just going to leave me. The thought made me sad for some reason, but was quickly pushed away when he walked back in carrying two blue bracelets. "You are so lucky Shigaraki likes to experiment." He said. "Give me your hands."

He pushed up my sleeves and clamped the bracelets on each of my wrists. They were tight, but not uncomfortable. He made his way down to my ankles, taking off the cuffs. "There, those bracelets are quirk canceling, and if you try to run, even without your quirk, I press a button on this remote and you're shocked until unconscious. Please don't make me use it." He was actually pleading when he said the last part. I slowly nodded, not knowing what words to say. He seemed genuinely scared to use it on me.

"Good. Anyway, now you can move around if you want." He said, stepping back a few feet so that I could get up. "Oh, do you want some clean clothes?" He asked. I nodded. He grabbed a few things out of his closet and threw them to me. "Here you go. I'm just gonna go out in the hall so you can change." He said, heading out the door.

I quickly changed into what he gave me, a purple hoodie and black sweatpants, both two sizes to big. Honestly, the most comfortable things I've ever worn. It didn't hurt that they smelt like him either.

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