Chapter 7

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Izuku's POV~

"What do you mean you arrested him?!" I shouted at the pros who were questioning me about my time in 'captivity'. All Might, Nezu, Midnight, Aizawa, and Present Mic were all just staring at me, lost as to why I was so upset about Shinso being arrested.

"Young Midoriya, he kidnapped you, we had to arrest him." All Might said gently. They probably all thought I had stockholm syndrome or something, but he just didn't deserve to be arrested.

I threw my hands in the air out of frustration. "I already told you guys, he never hurt me, I mean for the love of god I forgot I was kidnapped because he was so nice to me. It's the league you should have arrested, they're the ones who made him do it! They probably would have tortured or killed him if he didn't listen!" I argued, pissed that everyone else from the league had managed to get away. I might have just been a little salty that the league let him get arrested and didn't try to help him.

Before any of them could yell at me for being stupid, Mount Lady came running into the room where we were all talking. "Jesus what happened?" Midnight asked the younger pro in worry.

"Someone broke the boy out!" She exclaimed. I couldn't help the small smile that made its way onto my face.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Deku!" I heard Uraraka's scream before I felt her tackle me to the ground in a hug. I laughed at her reaction, but hugged her back knowing she was probably scared out of her mind while I was missing.

I felt her weight being abruptly lifted off of me. I looked up from where I was now laying on the floor and saw Kacchan had lifted her off of me and moved her to the side. "Jesus floaty, you're gonna fucking crush him." He said while holding a hand out to help me up. I was too shocked to move for a second, but then grabbed his hand. 'Why did Kacchan help me up? I know he's been nicer to me lately, but this seems weird.' I thought to myself.

The rest of the night was spent just hanging out with my friends. I had to tell them all over and over that it wasn't any of their faults that I was taken. I also explained to them that I didn't think Shinso was actually evil. After I told them everything that happened and how he was actually pretty cool, most of the agreed that he was probably being threatened by the league. Everyone but Todoroki and Kacchan. They didn't seem to like him too much.

Eventually everyone was too tired to keep hanging out and we all headed back to our respective dorms. I nearly cried at the sight of my dorm after the long twoish days I had had. I crawled into my own bed and curled up, feeling cold and the blankets wouldn't help. It took a while, but right as I was about to fall asleep, a ping from my forgotten phone jolted me awake. I reached for it, thinking it was probably just my mom calling to make sure I was okay. She couldn't come and see me because she was in another country on a business trip. I wasn't even sure she was informed I was missing in the first place.

I clicked the answer button without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Izu?" I heard faintly on the other end of the receiver. I was awake instantly. "Toshi? Oh my gosh are you okay? Where are you? Actually don't answer that, I don't need to know. Are you at least safe? Did the league really break you out?-" I could have kept asking questions, but I was cut off by his soft chuckles.

"Yeah, I'm fine shorty. I can't tell you how I got out, just in case the pros try poking around for info, sorry." He said. I nodded in understanding before realizing he couldn't see me.

"So... You're safe, right?" I pestered, still not really believing him. He let out a big breath of air, "I'm safe, don't worry about me. How're you doing?" He asked me.

I took a shaky breath, all of the excitement of the day finally catching up with me. "Oh, I'm fine. Everyone's happy I'm back, they're all blaming themselves though. I feel bad..." I said softly.

"What's actually wrong?" His question surprised me. "What'd you mean? Nothing's wrong." I said back, feeling the wall closing in on me. "Don't do that. Just tell me what's on your mind. What's really going on?"

I sighed before giving in for once in my life. "It's just weird, being back and everything. It feels like everyone's walking on eggshells around me, scared that the wrong words are going to make me shatter. They all think I went through some big traumatic ordeal, when really I just snuggled with you and played Minecraft for like seventy two hours. I tried to tell them that you didn't do anything, that you were really nice to me, that you aren't evil, but none of the pros seem to believe me. Most of my classmates do, besides Kacchan and Todoroki." I explained to him, feeling a weight being lifted off of my chest. He's really the only one that would really understand what I was trying to say.

"Who's Kacchan and Todoroki? Wait, isn't Todoroki the kid I mind controlled?"

"Yeah, that'd be him. Kacchan was the blonde with the gauntlets on his wrists and continuously yelling." I knew he'd know who he was with that description, and I got a small laugh in return.

"Oh yeah, I know exactly who you're talking about. I also know why both of them don't want to believe you." He said vaguely. I didn't push for clarification, something told me that'd be the best I'd get from him. "I'm gonna go. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, sorry I woke you up." He said softly.

"No, it's okay! I don't mind, really. I'm happy you called, I was actually worried about you." I said, just as softly. I was blushing, extremely happy he couldn't see me.

I think I heard him whisper 'cute', but I figured I was probably just hearing things. We both said goodbye and hung up. I should have gone to bed, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about everything, and by the time I did get to sleep, I had devised a plan.

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