Chapter Special: In the Eyes of a Mother

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The Life and Times of an Average Coward

Chapter Special: In the Eyes of a Mother


Suzuran was a young woman with great talent with the needle and was as gentle and sweet as her name suggests.

She was sought after by many but one man had only captured her heart.

The young woman knows that it wasn't because of his looks or other superficial things like that. Though yes she thought he was handsome but that's not what had captured her heart.

Suzuran married a man rightfully apt for his name, Akio. He was bright, brave, gentle and kind. Shy at times but that's a trait they both shared.

The villagers don't think that she should have looked for more, someone rich, someone reliable and would keep her comfortable, because she was beautiful, talented and kind. But she didn't listen.

Because if Suzuran listened to them then she wouldn't be this happy. So happy and content with her life.

Suzuran was an orphan, she lived a hard life before so she can endure hardships like any other. She was happy so that would be enough. They could be enough.

Months passed and there was some great news that came off of their love for one another. A child! She is going to be a mother!

She doesn't care what the others think that it would only cause them more financial problems in the future. She doesn't care whatever the hell they say, because she was happy from the life growing inside of her. They were both happy for things to come.

Autumn was starting to set it sails, turning leaves to pretty orange and yellow, falling in the ground, little animals scrambled about preparing for the winter that was sure to come.

Suzuran was heavily pregnant, expecting a child and is happy with her life.

That was until tragedy struck its claws into her life.

News of a bear causing harm to whatever creature got on its way was rampant and it wasn't safe to go out alone at night in the chances of getting struck by its deadly fangs and claws.

Akio was brave, was kind and was slightly stupid. The man she loves made a foolish decision of taking on the bear while he and the other men were hunting for meat. He was good with his gun and was quick-witted, but because of his soft heart, he chose to get in the way of the bear's claws on someone's back and was struck instead.

He was still alive then, but a few weeks later he died of infection and lack of proper medicine because they can't afford to.

Suzuran was left a widower with a child that was yet to be born.

Suzuran cried, she cried and cried until she slowly became numb with the sadness, slightly healed but a scar would remain. She has to be strong. She couldn't afford to be weak at a time like this.

She was still expecting a child and she should greet him or her with a smile, so that it was the first thing they see in this cruel, cruel world.


Suzuran was eighteen when she first laid her eyes on her. She was beautiful and everything that she could ever wish for. The child has her eyes but her mouth had the same curve as Akio's.

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