Chapter 2

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She signs in at radiology at St. Francis Hospital where Cat plans to deliver the baby and we wait for her to be called back. I text William, telling him he was wrong about the ring. I look up and see Cat vibrating, her leg going a mile a minute, a trait she's inherited from her mom I noticed when I stayed with them during Winter Break.

"Hey," I say, resting my hand on her knee. "You okay? What are you so nervous about?"

"I just don't want them to find anything wrong, you know?"

"You've already done the 3 marker blood test in the first trimester and nadda, right?"

"Right," she agrees, but is worrying the heck out of her bottom lip.

I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. "Everything is going to be fine. Okay?"

"Okay," Cat takes a deep breath in and out like we've practiced in prenatal yoga together.

"Feel better?"

"A little."

I can still see the tension in her face and body. I let go of her hand and stand up to move behind her to give her a gentle massage of her shoulders. I feel her slowly relax.

She tilts her head back to look up at me, smiling. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I come around to join her again. I no sooner do I sit down than they call us back.

They verify all of Cat's personal information and take her blood for the 4 marker test. Once that's over with, they take us back to radiology for the ultrasound.

"Have a seat, Cat," the technician tells her, and Cat gets into position. She's a pro at this by now. Cat lays down, lifts her dress to show her belly, and the tech tucks a small towel in the front of her panties. She places a blanket over Cat's legs so she isn't cold and doesn't get any of the gel on her. I take a seat nearby and can't wait to see Peanut show up on the ultrasound screen.

"Now, did they tell you we are doing a fetal nuchal translucency test today?"

Cat just nods yes.

"What that means is that we are going to check for an increase of fluid at the base of the baby's neck at a spot called the nuchal fold, and we will take our usual measurements as well. You're at week 14, correct?"

"Yes," Cat says, and I can see the tension coming back again. I haven't seen her this nervous since that very first ultrasound she had when she passed out after arguing with Liam.

"Okay, here we go." The technician spreads the gel on her stomach and the ultrasound begins. It always amazes me how fast these women work. Half the time I'm not even certain which end is up until it's pointed out to me, but she takes all sorts of measurements, of what I'm not entirely sure.

As things progress, I ask, "Will we get pictures again?" This ultrasound seems to take a lot longer than the others.

"Excuse me?" The technician asks, obviously intent on something else that she didn't hear my question.

"Pictures?" I say again.

"Oh, yes. I'll have the printouts ready for you before you leave. I'm just going to step out a moment and I'll be right back."

Cat has a look of panic in her eyes as the technician leaves the room.

"They've never done that before. Why is she leaving? You don't think?"

I move my chair closer to Cat. "Let's not jump to any conclusions, okay? This isn't a normal test, remember, so it would make sense that it would take longer. Things aren't necessarily going to go the same way."

Someone To Watch Over You - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now