In the Beggining

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If you haven't seen at least season 1 of house of anubis then this probrably won't make sense to you. I don't own the characters or the places, but I do own this book.


*Ninas POV*

"Hey Gran, did I get the scholarship?," I asked her.

"I'm not sure dear, we'll have to give the school some time to get back to us," she said calmly, "For now you can carry on going to California High with your friends".


the next day

While I was in my room getting ready for school, my mind suddenly went blank and I had this crazy vision:

I was in a place I had never seen before with people I had never met when all of a sudden some spirit pops out in front of me and says;

If you wish to befriend these people,

If you wish to live in this place,

You must do as I command,

Before Senkara arrives,

Before it is not safe.

Then everything was back to normal, I was in my room getting ready for school and all my memories were back including my new memory of the vision.

As I walked to the bench where I usually met my one of my friends, my head flooded with questions, Who is that spirit thing? Who's Senkara? Where was I? Who were the other people? What was the spirit on about?, and then I thought, I'm not going to say anything to my friends, this is probably something I should keep to myself...

"Hey nins," I heard from behind me, it was my best friend, Lilly Safire.

"Hey," I said back.

We began wandering to school, talking about fashion and all sorts when my brother, Eddie Martin (Eddie Miller/Eddison Sweet on HOA) came running up to us, "Any news about the scholarships yet?" he asked.

"Gran said no we'll have to give the school some time to get back to us and that for now we'll have to carry on going to California High with our friends"

"Okaaaay then," he said sarcastically, "How on earth you remembered all of that we'll never know"

"The world's a strange place," giggled Lilly and we all laughed at her ridiculous comment.

After a long day of school I walked back to the house with Oliver, my boyfriend.

"So, what'd you wanna do today"

"Well..............First I'm gonna go home and get changed, then I'm gonna have a chat with my Gran and after that I've got my skateboarding lesson with Blake and Eddie and I won't be home until 10 o'clock at the earliest. But I can answer the question, what do I want to do to tomorrow?, I want to go to the cinema and out for a meal with you," I said, hardly taking a breath.

"Sorry princess I can't, I have to go with my dad for my drivers test," he informed me, looking upset.

"What if I come with you and your dad"

"I thought you had skateboarding practice with Blake and Eddie" he said, making my face drop, "But I'm sure we'll think of something"

By that time we had reached my house, kissed and said "see you tomorrow".

I went into the house to see Eddie in the kitchen having one of his 'pancake runs'. I then went to the couch where I saw Gran knitting and sat next to her. She put down her knitting and said "What is it Nina?" I replied to her saying,

"Anything from England?"

"Not yet Nina, be patient, I'm sure it will arrive soon"

1 term later

After a term of nothing from High School, I was growing impatient and went downstairs to ask Gran if she'd heard anything from them yet. Her reply was a surprise, she said, "Yes actually Nina, you and Eddie both have a scholarship, so go and pack your case, I've already spoken to California High and you have all the rest of today and all of tomorrow to say goodbye to your friends. You will be leaving at 10am on Monday and then after you get a cab you will have to get on a plane, and after that you'll be on a train and then another cab. Eddie has all of the details, don't worry," she said, struggling for air after all that. I smiled and ran up to my room to pack.

The next day

I walked with Eddie to go and meet Lilly, we were both red in the face with excitement. When Lilly arrived she could tell we were beaming and asked us "What are you two so excited about?"

"We've got the scholarship to the boardng school in England," I practically screamed.

She smiled and we all started walking to school. By the end of the day I think everyone in America knew we were leaving to go to England.

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