chapter 10

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you and des walk back into the living room and see carlos and alex talking. you try to listen but carlos notices you right away and stops talking. you and des look at each other and stay quiet.

y/n- soo who's ready to party ?!

des & carlos- MEEEE

alex is on his phone. again. as always.

the hours go by and more people show up. everybody is dancing and eating and you feel bored until you remember the deal you made with des and go look for someone. you see giovanny. you've seen him around school but never really talked to him but god damn was he fine. you went up to him while " Acquainted " by The Weeknd was playing. you started dancing on him and he looked confused but then went with it. you guys stayed dancing for a good 5 minutes and you grab him by the neck and he grabs ur waist. you turn to see alex making out with some girl and turn to des. you and des make eye contact and you signal her to look and she looks and has a " 😳 " face on. you keep dancing with gio and then give him a quick peck on the cheek as the song finishes and walk away. you go into the kitchen to get a drink and des walks in.

des- sooo that happened .

y/n- yes. it did. so can you leave me alone about him now ?

des- fine but it's still not over.

des walk out of the kitchen and you finish pouring urself a drink. you're about to walk out of the kitchen when you bump into alex and spill your drink on your shirt.

alex- oh shit sorry

y/n- fuck now i have to change. excuse me alex.

alex steps aside and you walk to des's room. luckily, you and des were the same size so you take off your shirt and look through her clothes.

alex pov
i was making out with some random girl i find in the crowd. i get bored and decide to go to the kitchen to get a drink. as soon as i walk in, i bump into y/n, causing her to spill her drink.

alex- oh shit sorry

y/n- fuck now i have to change. excuse me alex.

i step aside and watch her walk into a room. being alex, i follow her into the room and realize she left it open with a small crack. i slowly push the door open and see her take off her shirt ( facing the other way ) , revealing her bra.

holy shit she's hot as hell 🤤😍.
i watch her look through the closet and decide to walk into the room and close the door behind me.

pov over

y/n pov

im looking through the closet when i hear a door close. i turn around and alex is standing in the room looking at me up and down.


alex- chill babygirl, somebody is gonna hear you.

he walk closer to you and is now inches away from your face...


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